that all depends on locale. Here in bumfuck missouri all our bills with rent come around to $1200 and that's with a 2 bedroom house at 550/mo. if you were to get 40 hours at our minimum wage (12.30 here) that's about $1700 after taxes for the month.

Cost of living in certain areas have just gone up so much, and others not so much. It's why assistant plant managers here have lakeside mini mcmansions.

I did a run last year, I spent a good month before I felt good to go on the dragon

depends on cost of living. here in central missouri all my bills are paid at just over $1200/mo, with a 2 bedrooms, 1 & 1/2 bath 988 sqft house on a 9147 sqft lot that is $550 of my bills. But, it's missouri so there's that. When I started I was getting just around 2k a month leaving me with about $500 left after taxes and bills.

no lesson to be learned. The unsupported countries won't even reflect anything on the sales, and other releases have shown it's not an issue.

The helldivers issue was on arrowhead, they said they knew at least 6 months before launch PSN was going to be required, arrowhead just never bothered to mention it and turned off the requirement at launch for "server issues".

Although someone at sony did screw it up and let it be published in the unsupported regions

If it has Denuvo then it's dead in piracy, DRM won. The only person who was still cracking it left over 6 months ago. Everything that has been releasing that had it is only getting cracked because Denuvo was removed.

just started last week and I pulled twinkling soda on my second attempt on my first ever event, so I was happy.

you get anything from mog? Did it just a short bit after everything else but I had a long day, will look at it more tomorrow

apparently you're correct

that said my mom taught me to type on a typewriter when I was in elementary school in the 90's until she started to bring home a work IBM laptop. Started middle school say..95-96 and she put me in typing class there, but me and one other kid were so good we got put in a corner because we were distracting the other kids.

The last 20 minutes of the day we absolutely destroyed everyone in the mario teaches typing tournaments though

when the sirens went off here last week (though no confirmed tornado) the cell phone towers got overloaded. I wouldn't trust them with any kind of wide power outage.

same. In fact the fire department here, if you register with the city services when you move into town, gives a landline phone in their gift basket with a smoke detector and other goodies.

Phone companies have to give you 911 service if asked for free. So it's worth it to at least have one landline phone somewhere in the house.

calling out peoples post histories is considered harassment by reddit

is this again someone who thinks write offs are money in your pocket? Or you're not obliged to pay it?

They can bump you down a tax bracket, but it doesn't give you money in the refund. And interest is already a write off.

And bumping yourself down in brackets can actually increase what you do owe in circumstances.

And that's not even touching the problem of people going into oversaturated industries, or only wanting to work in specific locations. You're own damn fault if rent and bills are eating all your check. If you can't put $200 aside a month after bills and your "fun fund" you are living outside your means, change jobs and/or living situation. Figuring this out before you try to settle somewhere goes a long way.

You as an adult sign a document that says you will take x amount of money over y years with z interest. You know this going in. It's your responsibility, not the governments, to pay it off.


one of the key witnesses was caught lying, and the major charges will need to be unanimous.

He might get slapped with a couple misdemeanors but I don't think anyone paying attention is expecting anything major to come of this

that's all regional down to county/city requirements. I don't know about chicago, but the county I'm at in missouri doesn't need one, but I go 10 minutes west I suddenly will.

Most of the big agencies will do their own training for it or pay for you to get it if necessary

it's really hit or miss with allied. I've only worked with them on their more out of the city contracts where they have one guy that manages a large area, but I've heard in the cities it can be a mess. But my guy always calls right when he says, always picks up on the first ring, and has bent over backwards to make sure we're happy. He'll even come down and work sites himself if he doesn't want to overwork his supervisors coming in for workers bailing.

I remember when I got on with them I did the application, got a text message, did the virtual interview that night, and had my phone interview at 1pm the day after next, did an hour of orientation at a similar site I applied for the next monday and was training with allied that weekend on site.

But yeah, have heard horror stories of just trying to get the phone interview out of the way can be a months long game of phone tag in their more overworked urban offices, having to go in and they not knowing what you're even there for. I'm so glad my work with them is all "on-site", I've never had to step foot in their office, everything just gets mailed to us if needed.

downside is we're more hands on with the client company. I get a drug test every month just like every other employee, and they get a lot more oversight on our operations since my supervisors boss is so far away.

looks at his 15.75 in missouri, up from the 12.50 I was getting

as soon as I get untethered from this hole I need to get out of here. hard to beat 550/mo rent, but it's still misery.

and every act had to submit their jokes to the censors and were given back approvals and denials. There isn't a large event that doesn't do that anymore.

the main witness was caught lying. There's a snowballs chance in hell any of the large charges stick at this point. To happen otherwise would be a justice letdown.

Some of the misdemeanors might hang on, but that's about most of what anyone can hope for.

the main witness was caught lying. He might get some of the misdemeanors but that's about it, the big charges were tainted.

that he had every right to be there. The person who attacked him did not have the right to attack

I still have some shirts I wore in high school when I graduated in 2003. I buy a new shirt / pants maybe once like every two years or when needed

that's not the only way they're polling.

Go on any of the remote work sites that do studies for research, like cloudconnect, prolific, usertesting, etc. and you get bombarded with political studies. About every other one I'm doing for whatever university research project is asking me political questions with at least 3-4 a day asking who I'm voting for

I hate it. Saves shouldn't be god damn save states. You should have to complete the whole level, not be able to retry the same stupid mob over and over.

still would trust them over a congress of redditors