I like the glasses, they suit you.

Kinda look like Michael McIntyre

I think the first 2, I like the beta fish idea it follows the shape well. But i’d ask whichever artist you’re going with which idea works better. And ask them to change it up a bit so it’s not a copy.

Also, you’re the one pming little boys.

What a lovely individual you are (:

K , that’s really weird and suss. OP, protect yourself.

why the heck you pming a 13 year old?

If it bothers you, you should look how Stef Sanjati does her eye makeup to minimise the distance between her eyes as they are also quite wide set, but you don’t look ugly.

i did read the caption, doesn’t say non binary anywhere edit: however i missed the (23m) part so apologise for using female pronouns. All the hateful comments on here made me angry and apparently made me miss that part.

wow these comments are awful. Congrats on finding yourself and having an EMOTIONAL, MENTAL GLOW UP You clearly look happier and these people are just either hateful, blind, or both.

best of luck, I hope you find your right thing to help

I get a lot of anger too. I’m going to try and channel it into the gym or maybe even try boxing I think. Could be worth trying to find something you can channel those feelings into that doesn’t affect other people.

Hmm ive had a buzz before and got told it looked alright so when i have to, I will sacrifice the hair. Just not quite sure if full bald will be a vibe for me, least till i can hopefully grow more face hair so hopefully i got till then. Thanks!

Thanks for being honest could i ask why you think so?

I have considered it but it’s toxic to cats and we have a few so I wouldn’t personally feel comfortable risking them. Even if they sleep on your pillow after you’ve used it, it can affect them.

My point was taste is subjective. I wouldn’t call yours terrible but go off for thinking someone else’s is I guess, you sound strangely angry about the opinions of other people lol

Or, hear me out, people have different tastes and they do think it’s good?

He has curly hair, his body hair will always be curly? Mine is and I barely grow any

Actually, if i took these out they’d close a lot they’re not very big yet. But also, why would i take them out? Clearly did it because I like wearing them