No idea if this will help but I’m sort of having the same issue and what seems to help so far although I haven’t tested it enough is pulling the clutch in further than you think you need to. If I’m going slow and can get just past the friction zone and it will shift just fine. If I’m slamming it, I have to pull it in more or it will stay in 2nd for a few seconds and then just fall into neutral. Idk try that out

I started to since I do it with my manual car. I then stopped for a while, now after seeing all these comments I’m going back to putting it in gear

Currently no. I went off it as an experiment and eventually I’ll go back on as an experiment to see what happens

Depends on what I eat. Sometimes I feel perfectly fine but just weigh more the next few days. Other times I feel like I got hit by a truck. Still not sure what food does what so I basically plan to feel like crap if I do cheat

It’s all how you perceive it. Yeah the person you waved to could be a horrible person. If that’s your default view then everyone is horrible until proven otherwise. My view is the opposite even despite working in retail most people are at least respectful and polite, not too many seem to be horrible people. I see people as ok humans trying their best until proven otherwise. You’re both doing something that’s 28 times more dangerous than driving a car, a simple wave is just saying “hey we’re both doing this…cool!/stay safe”.

If you think you’d like steak well done then try ground beef. It’s hard to have ground beef rare in my opinion it’s either undercooked or well done.

Came here to say that. I remember Bart had a video completely ripping apart a study that Paul was using as an example why something was good. Can’t remember what the study was ,but even to the layperson it seemed obvious it was a shit study.

When I passed last year 90% of people said they had never been on a bike before. I had 7-8 hours parking lot experience. One guy (of 12 people) said he had been riding for 3 years with just his permit. He was the one of two people who failed lol

I once was with my dad who has a 2016 Indian Chief Dark Horse which is seriously an awesome bike. The gigantic man walks over and asks what it is. My dad tells him and this guy fucking seriously says “oh I don’t really like Indians” and then tells us about his HD…dude go fuck yourself

Came here to say that lmao

So when I first went carnivore, I did it for nine months straight and had diarrhea the entire nine months. That first section of time I went cold turkey immediately into carnivore. Then the holidays came around and I ate a bunch of crap I should not have. Then I slowly transitioned to carnivore over the course of about eight weeks and ever since then I have not had any diarrhea. So I would try slowly transitioning over about two months where each week you cut out a little bit more of the stuff that you’re eating until you’re fully carnivore at the end of the two months.

From what I’ve learned ketosis is only bad if you’re constantly in it for long periods of time and that you actually should be getting kicked out of ketosis daily with a sufficient amount of protein to have a small insulin bump which is why it’s important to attempt OMAD or TMAD

  1. If I’m with my dad, he treats stop signs like a yield and I just follow assuming I’m good to go when I really should look

  2. Too long before I clean the bugs off my face shield to have crisp visibility

  3. Should spend more time doing MotoJitsu drills with my bigger bike

  4. On my smaller bike before I crashed I was treating the street like a track

  5. I probably daydream more than I should but it’s definitely less than when I’m in a car

  6. Every once in a while I’d answer a text while driving but now I just put my phone on do not disturb. That’s a fucking huge one as I’m a total hypocrite for getting mad a people texting and driving

Do what your name suggests and be comfortable with how ever you want to use the clutch and brake. I have a Shadow 1100 (don’t know if you’d consider that heavy) and I can only be precise and smooth if I use two fingers, I’m not used to using all 4 and when I do it shows

I’ll always wear a full face, if I remember correctly about 30% of damage to helmets/head is in the chin area and I’d prefer to still have a jaw if I crash. Everyone I know wears a mushroom helmet. They don’t make fun of me for it but if they do I won’t give a shit because I value my head more than their opinion. I crashed into a guard rail last year sliding about 50ft going I think 20-30mph low siding and there’s a big gash in my face shield. I’m happy I didn’t find out what that would have felt like on my bare face

The only thing that comes to mind is on Bill Burr’s podcast (which I love) his wife was blasting him because he was paying for cell phones that he didn’t have anymore, I think $200 a month, and he said it was because he just didn’t want to deal with the customer service to cancel the plans lol

Submitted my application for an apartment a few days ago, but I can’t see a girl being excited to date a guy who still lives with his parent at 33.

You’ll regret not getting a bike simply because someone else said so…IF you really want one. Do what YOU want. Also 3 crashes in 8 years sounds like a lot

I personally have an Air Mesh Vortex jacket from Exo Scorpion that’s grey so it doesn’t absorb as much as black and it works very well. It’s actually too cold for me if it’s 65F or below and I have to wear extra shirts lol

Yeah I can’t back mine up either that’s why I face it uphill. MotoJitsu has a video that can possibly help with a female that shows her moving the bike around while off the bike. Idk but hopefully you find some solution

I was slightly in a similar situation. I had a 250 cruiser that weighed a little over 300 lbs. I crashed it and my mom’s BF just gave me his 1100 cruiser that weighs almost 600 lbs. The weight gave me anxiety and I disliked it a lot at first especially trying to back it up I almost dropped it 4 times. Eventually I’ve been getting used to it with a little over 3K miles. If you can’t part with it the only suggestion I have is to watch videos about dealing with the weight. One tip is when you’re slowing down to look at the horizon or something far away and it helps with the balance. I also just try to be aware of any hills and if I need to park I park it facing up hill so when I back it out gravity helps and I just use the brake to go slow. I still miss the nimble and quick response of the 250