Hell I got myself drunk from fermented fruit a couple of times.

I'm sure I'm gonna be playing it in about 4 months without a PSN account.

Take a picture of your house from the cameras perspective and nail it on a pole in front of them. Like 3 feet in front. If he moves the cameras move the pictures. Or you know. Find out if it's even legal to put cameras like that and sue his pervy ass if you can.

How about an absence of hunger? Sometimes I forget to eat and at the end of day two I wonder why I'm getting stomach cramps. I mostly eat because my wife makes me, or out of boredom. I forgot what actual hunger feels like.

Plus the sheer size of his brass balls would probably end any argument in its tracks.

I'm 33 and am bigger children than my actual children.

Most certainly!

Sweat soldier doesn't sound cool though.

NTA. Tell your husband that you'll see him in a couple of years. Keep your daughter safe. He can offer his life for hers if he's a remotely decent father. What his family is proposing is slavery. Tell him they can go to hell. Your daughter didn't make whatever deal they made, she shouldn't have to pay for it. Fuck cultures that do this kind of thing and if you disagree please send me your credit card info so I can order stuff and you have to pay for it without getting anything for it cuz that's how things should be in your opinion. Have others pay for something you are enjoying. Fucking degenerates.

Hope he remembers this the next time he thinks about kicking an animal. Probably won't.

Under the correct circumstances yes. Also my favorite "touch". The outside of one is a very close second.

I hope one of them tried to light a cigarette after.

Man I'd love to but they aren't exactly legal here and my weed guys just do weed so the whole gateway thing is very much closed to me. That and acid. I really wanna try it. But if you know how to prepare Mario mushrooms I got those growing around my house. But those are poisonous if you don't know what you're doing.

Agreed. Though I made the mistake of actually buying it. When I pirated it it worked perfectly every time. Now that I have a legitimate copy it works but 80% of the time the sound doesn't.

Well I guess I'm sailing the high seas in more ways than one tonight.

True, but that wouldn't make Monday morning any less awkward. And don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the guy but lying in social settings is normal and not automatically an admission of guilt. Though I do have to say that him not telling OP about the "work wife" is suspicious at least. On the other hand he probably knew she was going to be at the party so the fact that he invited OP to come along makes it seem like he didn't think it would be as big of a deal as it was. If he was hiding a relationship from OP he'd probably try to make sure that the two women never meet. Idk I'm not a social person.

So what's he supposed to say to his co-workers? "Yeah you saying that really upset her and that's why she left."? That wouldn't kill the mood in the slightest. I mean it's not like he has to interact and work with these people every day. Oh wait..

I was 4 when my dad got me mortal Kombat for our PC. He watched me get my ass kicked for about 5 minutes and never gave it another thought. Do parents actually care about what kids play? Like age ratings and stuff? My kids think my games are ugly/boring so they don't play them but if my 6yo asked to play baldurs gate 3 or something I'd let her. She just doesn't want to. Plays Minecraft and some Disney game.