We have a platform that started with Flames tickets but has expanded to all Canadian teams called fans first.

Basically it is a place to buy tickets directly from season ticket holders and they set the price, many times you are getting tickets for what the ticket holder paid or even less the day of the game. There are also no transaction fees like ticket master or stub hub.

Should come in ~$10.00/ft2 maybe a little more.

Be careful there are lots of less than reputable flatwork companies in Calgary and all the good ones have more work than they know what to do with right now.

Not sure what they are now but 10years ago I paid $8000.00 for my garage lumber package but that didn't include the siding or electrical.

Built myself

Won't happen, he's a major junior player not a NCAA player.

Remember before they had the underpasses on Glenmore? At least an hour any time of the day to get from Blackfoot to elbow

Also people who have lived here for more than 20 years will remember how bad traffic used to be. We were so behind in infrastructure it was pretty much impossible to move east to west.

It's a tough one man. Working at a ski hill they may provide accommodations but pay so little that all your extra cash typically gets spent at the Bar.

Being a UK citizen maybe see what western Canada has to offer as it may be a little easier for the work Visa. The ski hills here are mostly manned by Aussies and Kiwis but a very international work force.

Depending on where you go summer work may be relatively easy. Banff, Canmore, Kelowna, Revelstoke, Fernie are pretty busy towns these days and construction work is definitely in demand and will be better paying than the resorts.

My company does a ton of work in Canmore Banff and I see a lot of Aussies working the trades on site as opposed to the seasonal resort positions.

That actually really surprises me most ex-players won't even touch the thing if they have never won it.

You'd be surprised, how quick it can move.

My guess is they have already engaged the structural. I usually see my first set at 30% design for budgeting then the 60% and IFT have a quick turn around from that. But then maybe they are going to wait until 60% before they start distributing to sub trades.

With the last arena deal I think they were at 60% I literally had the NDA on my desk when we found out the deal was done.

What kind of retaining walls are you designing as well?

If they had anything above preliminary renderings, I would have a NDA on my desk to sign.

DM me I work for a group of companies estimating formwork, flatwork, pumping and place finish.

The first questions would be: What market are you in? What type of flatwork? (Single family, multi family, light commercial or city roads, decorative or standard). Is all your labour in house or do you primarily utilize subs for placing and finishing.

I also finished decorative concrete for years before getting into estimating.

This is correct also it refers to the professional technologist designation and stamp which needs to be approved by the ASET and Appega boards.

Very familiar with sunshine.

Yeah that runs not a real black.

Yeah but the higher ratings are only for freestyle and competitions.

I've rode with pro-riders and guys who you would consider in that 7-9 range, take them to the steepest and deepest runs on the mountain and they can barely or can't keep up.

Where would the guys who left the park when they were teenagers and started free riding and extreme snowboarding fall in?

This is a great point. Blacks in the Rockies will be much different than any thing on the east coast. Even within the Alberta/BC Rockies a double black at sunshine (delirium excluded) or Louise would only be a black at kicking horse, Castle or red mountain.

Make it to the funk jam on Sunday at Fractal.

Never split out anything for a bid. I will break it down six ways to Sunday after the contract is signed but before that is 1 lump sum price.

We have to wait 2 more seasons when Mcdavid walks and Edmonton has no cups in the Mcdavid era.

Then we let em have it.

I'm a estimator, PM, accountant, concrete finisher, carpenter, QA/QC and consultant. As well as a technician here and there.

I get paid pretty good.

That's just the face you make as it gets shoved up your butt.

We go to Barrets vet clinic just ouutside of the city in 22x.

Yes this is understood but that line could have been twined 20 years ago when we hit a million , or a bypass put in.