When you’re dead you don’t need your organs. Other living people need them a lot more

Knock it down and start again. Hopefully a good plot and area!

As usual he makes sense. So many people in football chat 100% pure shit.

I don’t believe you can use the guided feature without it starting a recording

Breathwork before sleep

Think this is a bug. Breathwork before sleep, fall asleep during the breathwork (because it’s working). As a result, the ‘workout’ doesn’t get closed until the morning, and the whole nights sleep is not tracked as a result.

Anyone know of a fix or workaround?

When it says I’m below 15% I am usually ducking tired

Yeh that’s the epicentre but actually stinks for majority of whole street. Fucking reaks outside Bouche and Fig n Grain

Except it stinks all the time

Broadway market smell

Has anyone else noticed the whole street stinks of shit and piss?