Anything but whatever the hell that is.

Southgate would like to know your location..

He doesn't know what a sub is..he keeps wondering why Slovakia players are warming up.

Would probably work better. Find that guy who fell asleep at the last match, he can play upfront.

Could have nobody left to play and Gordon still won't get a look in..

Be lucky if the first half ends with all players still on the pitch.

Tino wouldn't even get a sniff unfortunately. Southgate would see how well he can play and decide to play anyone else.

Unfortunately, I think they may have cocked the cock..

Two books have made me cry..

The fault in our stars - John Green.

Percy Jackson and the Titans Curse - Rick Riordan.

Where the frick am I going to spend £700k worth of pennies..Don't think my bank would be best pleased if I tried to cash them.

One of my last sims caught fire whilst making a salad..Still not sure how that happened since the stove wasn't involved..pretty sure my wife had a sim catch fire after getting cereal from the fridge..very sure that shouldn't have happened..probably a bug.

Just their weapons..I'm screwed beyond belief.

They can throw flaming hammers..Quite literally..grenades that burn..and a barrier that protects them from damage..

Don't think a gun is going to help me.

Thank gods my wife doesn't use Reddit..If she read some of my comments..I'm sure there would be a missing person report filed and a freshly dug patch in the garden..

For those of us lucky enough it is..If you're not lucky..Well, once a year would be a dream come true.

Works fine for me and my wife..She also likes the, once a year at best method.

Ah, well..They have spied a few things they definitely didn't want to.

Then what the hell are those loud ass things my parents own..They have one hell of a bite..

If I'm on the tower, I'm safe..If not..Well then, I'm praying the guardians are around to save me.

Destiny 2..

I swear on the bible, I am innocent..Someone pray for me.

Jesus, can get cancelled for anything nowadays..Shame.