I just had a breast lift and I don’t understand how it could look like this one year later

The last two times I’ve had Corazon it was borderline inedible.

How did they both get so ugly. Sid was actually semi attractive here.

The last thing I see in these balloon shorts is “flirty”

Umm check out Courtney Shields. Hers are the worst of all time. And she’s had 3 revisions. Avery Woods are also tragic.

Yeah wtf. Haha. 40 isn’t ancient, jeez.

Is she going to Hawaii for an entire month or?? I don’t think she’s said /s

The PNS on Holt is already a shit show at checkout. Also last time I was there on a weekday at 2pm the soup bar and hot bar were not open. How is this company even operational?

Yeah I’m done with Pick N Save and their 2 cashiers per store

I wonder what she says to her friends? “Hey guys, we have to hide my wine bc I lie to my followers that I don’t drink.” What a weird fucking life

These are right up K8Smallthings alley

I’m 41F and lived alone for almost 15 years? More? And I am very scared about this. But dating is a disaster and I probably won’t find anyone anyways, so I guess it’s a moot thing to worry about.