Partassipant [3]

No, telling their parents will further alienate you given your suspicion they are hiding behaviors from you already.  The breach of trust and invasion of privacy may not be something they'll get over.  Your choice is to force them to get help or leave them if they don't.  This is a ride you don't want to go on and you need to put yourself first for your own survival.

Partassipant [3]

YTA - for not telling your parents who are busting their butts on this house FOR YOU, that you don't want it.  If you sell it, that's a huge AH slap to their face and makes you a huge AH in the process.  Just tell them and let someone who will cherish it have it.  Be the better person on this.

Partassipant [3]

Sort of depends on your age and body.  She may just be fulfilling the role of the mom or she's butting in where she doesn't belong.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - nope, valid.  You're supposed to be partners and as such, make decisions together.  He doesn't just get to decide on his own when someone is going to stay in your house.  If he doesn't understand that, you need him to else crap like this is going to drive a wedge between you.  Go out and buy a car without telling him and see if he understands this point.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - there's no such thing as blacked out and unless she's paying rent, she doesn't get a vote who the landlord approved staying the night.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - no, but you're enabling him by not requiring him to clean up after himself and contribute to the household.  If you want him to be an adult, you have to treat him as one.  Have him sign a lease and pay rent like every other adult.  Time to stop pampering him and be prepared to kick his butt out if he takes it there.  Tough love is tough love.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - nope, nobody wants blood stains on their furniture.  How hard is that for the mom to understand??  The other issue is the kid.  Perhaps appealing to her self image would help by showing her how bad picking scabs is in relation to scarring.  Keep it up and her body will look like the surface of the moon.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - you are making the right call.  Go with your plans and ignore your aunts.  They're not paying for it, so they don't get a vote.  Just the thought they're stirring up drama over this is straight up major AH.  My condolences for your loss.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - nope.  Your lease starts on X day, which means you're on the hook for the room and it's yours on that day.  The prior tenant should have cleared & cleaned it out, with a walk through with the landlord.  So, call the landlord and explain the situation.  It's their responsibility to have the room ready for you, so have them do so.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - just stop giving him rides.  He can put on his big boy pants and learn to drive like everyone else.  He's 29 FFS.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - not his gift, not his business.  If he wants a kayak, he can get his own and stop acting like he owns yours.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - dude, your being manipulated and in a very controlling way.  You're supposed to a grown ass man, so put an end to this insanity.  An actual partner doesn't do this.  You don't sacrifice to make someone happy.  In fact YOU can't make anyone anything; it comes from within.  Get a clue and stand up for yourself FFS.  How are you not seeing this? 🚩🚩🚩

Partassipant [3]

NTA - you're supposed to be the passenger princess in the relationship, not the other way around.  Might want to think about that.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - I also agree that in normal situations that would be a really bad idea (she trusts you and you're going to break that), however based on your description, I think you should delete her Facebook account in a way she can't reestablish it. HOWEVER, before you do that please have a plan that your whole family agrees to on how you're going to support grandma emotionally because the fallout is going to be severe. If you really care about her, you know this is going to break her, so have an alternative ready to go. Unfortunately, sometimes interventions are necessary, but you need to soften the blow.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - if your mother requires that level of supervision, you and your siblings ought to find her professional help. It's ridiculous that any of you have to give up your lives for this. Let alone anyone telling you the conditions by which you are to voluntarily help someone. Volunteering doesn't work that way.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - you don't need to explain it to them, no is the answer.  It's not just having to support another mouth to feed, but getting involved in any situation involving a minor is a HUGE liability for you and this kid isn't family.  Do you really want the police showing up at your door or their pissed off parents?  This situation sounds like a butt load of drama nobody needs in their life.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - stay out of it.  She's a grown ass adult capable of making her own choices and mistakes.  You've said your peace and that's about all you can do. 

Partassipant [3]

NTA - you're an adult now and starting your life.  Your time and energy must focus on your studies and your health.  You cannot mess this up as it lays the foundation for the rest of your life.  Your parents are adults and are responsible themselves.  It is time you moved on and stop being their slave.  You deserve your own life.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - that's ridiculous of your mother to create drama at your wedding over her control issues.  You're a grown ass woman FFS.  Just ignore her.

Partassipant [3]

The story sounds so incredibly fake.  Wi-Fi routers are preprogrammed to put a password on them.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - how incredibly rude of them, of which your husband has blinders on.  You don't owe them any favors after what they did, but if your husband feels he does for whatever reason, then suggest he ask them to reimburse you for the cost of the room you had to eat AND he hosts them, not you.  He does all the cleaning, shopping, cooking, etc.  Why should you even consider taking time off work or being their Uber?

Partassipant [3]

NTA - you did all you could.  If she's feeling guilty for not participating, projecting it onto you is out of line and unreasonable.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - no, you can't change your mother and it's clear she's extremely toxic.  All you can do is take care of yourself, so let it go and move on.  Enjoy your life and don't look back.  You deserve to be happy.

Partassipant [3]

NTA - nope.  Your brother is the AH and responsible for this.