Still with this nonsense. He was already president and nothing happened. People are so silly.

I understood Baba Booey from Howard Sterns Gary Delabate lmao

It's not. You can literally do what you want. Can we end this victim mentality? There is an entire festival here where thousands gather just for this.

Also, we (The US) pushed Russia. Let the Russians make a deal to put weapons on Mexico's border and see how fast we invade them. Mexico would be the new Ukraine and the world woukd hate us even more.than they do now. Also, Ukraine was the most politically corrupt nation just a few years ago. How easy we forget.

It's a victim being a victim. Every race was a slave at one point, even by their own race. Someone just needs an excuse to why they fail. Don't buy it

As a blue collar air cargo dude, this is wholesome. Never get tired of seeing a plane so large you can fit 7 of my apartments in it.

Not as hard as ya think. Pressure and slide back. Easy money! Lol

Succa la Mink

Not even a little. Did you know it was manufactured? It was funded. Covid has an over 99% survivability rate. I'm not making that up. The vaccine wasn't a vaccine, you can literally still get it and transmit it. The scope was grand but not because it was deadly. We all got it and it's nonexistent now and it isn't because of a vaccine. You can buy into whatever you wish and man I don't blame you. Just look further into it. Not tone deaf, it's an analysis constructed through 4 years. But yeah, worst virus! The flu is more deadly.

You can't speak to people in a cult. Glad you're a bit more open. Seems to he the opposite on this thread

Nothing wrong with being born white. You didn't do anything and for the white people that walk around with guilt, you shouldn't. Sincerely, a black -Hispanic.

Fun fact for people who haven't shot a gun long enough. Most guns jam not because they are cheap but because of a loose grip + recoil, means you are likely to get a chimney jam. The spent shell isn't ejected properly, and it locks in the slide, looking like an old chimney. Firm grip, engage, and shoot to K. Unless you have a hipoint, no amount of grip can save you from a jam lmao

If this is true, I'm sorry. Hopefully, not all are Trump supporters. Best wishes. I thought people were over bullying those with mental illness.

Succa la Mink

Idk about Candace but tucker carlson with all his flaws seems to be an honest man who realized his mistakes. I know it's not popular on reddit to own your mistakes and change course but in reality, it is nice to see people change

Pet-free for a clean and tidy home

It's fun, no need lol

Pet-free for a clean and tidy home

As a cargo man at an airport, this is my biggest fear but I will gladly unalive it if it ever got out. We use wood crates for stronger dogs and plastic for smaller breeds. For those that don't know, he can't bite through the net, it's 5,000lb plus tensile strength. We strap very heavy cargo with those nets.

That's a thicc ass boi! CUTE BUT for longevity purposes, cut the food.