I agree! It’s wild to me how many people start ttc the month they get married, sounds overwhelming to me.

Yes! Her content/try ons used to be so good. Now she is obsessed with losing weight and prolon

I get not wanting to be on social media, has she ever talked about her? I thought she was an only child at first

What’s odd is that her sister has kids and Janelle makes it seem like she knows nothing about babies and pregnancy herself, it’s all new territory to her (no judgement, who does with their first kid) what I’m trying to say by that comment is since her sister has a baby, maybe two even wouldn’t they chat about pregnancy symptoms/becoming a new mom ect? They cannot be that close bc I’d be asking my sister all sorts of questions as a new mom. I don’t think she’s ever even talked about her sister before. Something seems off but that’s how it goes sometimes

Absolutely! Right, I’ve been following her for a while and I’ve never seen her post pictures of her boyfriends, if you look back on her Instagram there are no pictures with guys (unless she deleted them all) but just the way she posts about him, I can tell she has not been in a lot of serious relationships. She definitely wanted to get married fast once the engagement hit so she could start a family. She’s only 33. I got married at 35 and as long as one goes in for fertility tests ect, there’s really no major need to rush pregnancy, but that’s her timeline to figure out for herself and not for me to decide. I am just glad that I’m not the only one who sees these things. I always thought she was so independent, she had her own job, apartment, paid for all her own procedures so seeing this behavior has shocked me a bit because she isn’t giving off that independent vibe so much anymore

I just hope once the baby is born all these new changes don’t mentally catch up with her in a negative manner, rush into marriage, home build, move states and a baby.. I am truly happy for her but she may mentally start to feel overwhelmed once all this newness settles in. It’s a recipe for a midlife crisis if you ask me. Nothing in her life has ever seemed rushed until now?!

Everything she does seems so staged these days!

I used to love Whitswhims, and believe me when I say that I am all for living a healthy lifestyle and making healthy changes. Of course influencers are going to grow and change over the years, just like we all as humans should be developing and becoming our best selves..but she has become toxic. At first I thought she just wanted to live a cleaner, healthy lifestyle, but quickly realized that there is some sort of body dysmorphia going on with her. With her, it’s constantly about losing weight and being thin. It’s so sad because I used to really enjoy following her and I felt like her and I had a lot in common,but now it’s all about losing weight and being extremely thin. Also, I feel like she is trying to keep up this “image” that she has been wanting for years to create for years. Again, I do not want to bash and I wish her all the luck, but she definitely has an unbalanced way of looking at wellness. She has this obsession with an ideal body that I don’t view as healthy.


Convince me she doesn’t have some sort of eating disorder. I’m all for being healthy/healthy fitness habits and eating right, but I guarantee theres some sort of body dysmorphia going on with her. I’m not focusing on the scale here.. but the fact that she is obsessive with always losing inches ect. Girl- your clothes fit great.. when u are obsessing over this and you already eat healthy and work out. Hmmm, I think there’s something mentally going on. It’s not about a balanced lifestyle with her anymore. She’s taken it too far.

On that note, I know this goes way back but what ever happened to her and lynlee poston?

Also, on the topic of Morgan, can someone help me out. Sometimes I feel she’s relatable and kind, and genuine, like I could see myself having coffee with her, other times I’m getting the she’s fake vibes. I really want to like her. Maybe someone else on here is feeling the same way and can elaborate better than me regarding this. Prior to her husband has she been in a serious relationship before? I know she’s a newly wed but she seems like she’s trying too hard, almost to impress him? Im getting this is my first relationship ever vibes. I’m sure other ppl on here know what I’m referring to, the way she’s acting with him on instagram is how I acted with my first ever boyfriend.. it’s hard to explain but if you get what I’m saying then you will understand where I’m coming from. I know her other friends are getting married, having babies ect but it also seems like she dropped her old life completely. I know marriage and an “official” move to Houston will change life but I still feel like something’s weird? Like the ignoring him for two years in her instagram dms before finally agreeing to have a first date with him, especially if her bestie Emily knew him and had said he was a good guy..the not living with him until marriage.. but she was actually in Houston living with him, the “rush” to plan a wedding. She is now always posting about how she cooks him dinner.. she cooks? She never posted recipes prior to getting married. Now she’s always posting, “a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” content. Tonight she was posting how she had a million things to do but she was still going to meet up with some of her husband‘s work clients because if it’s important to him it’s important to her. I mean, I feel like she is just a completely different person now that she’s married. I’m all for supporting each other and being good spouse, but she has been catching me way off guard lately with all this.

I think part of it is the content she now posts about how her husband eats like a king, it didn’t sit right with me for some reason. I didn’t even know she cooked prior to meeting him. I understand not everyone will post every detail about their life on instagram but I never saw her ever post a recipe/ meal that she cooked or anything in the kitchen that didn’t revolve around a sponsored Ag1 greens post when she was single. Maybe it’s because I get the feel she’s trying to impress her husband still. I just wonder how she will act around him in 5 years. Is anyone else who follows Morgan getting “bow down to my new husband vibes?” I just feel like I’m seeing this whole other side to her since dating/marrying Frank which is great, but also is she being true to herself? The OGs that have been following her and her friends for years on here will know exactly what I’m talking about, I’m sure. I just feel like I am seeing a woman in a serious relationship for the first time and I’m just getting this is all still “so new” and I want to impress him vibes. Anyone else get this from her too now? She seems like the type of girl who would change her interests/views for her husband.

So you have noticed this too!? I don’t want to say any negative about her bc I feel like I’m really reaching on this topic, but I have just noticed a total switch in her, or maybe this is the real Morgan and we are now just getting the real glimpse

I think part of it is the content she now posts about how her husband eats like a king, it didn’t sit right with me for some reason. I didn’t even know she cooked prior to meeting him. I understand not everyone will post every detail about their life on instagram but I never saw her ever post a recipe/ meal that she cooked or anything in the kitchen that didn’t revolve around a sponsored Ag1 greens post when she was single. Maybe it’s because I get the feel she’s trying to impress her husband still. I just wonder how she will act around him in 5 years. And of course there’s nothing wrong with wanting to prepare a nice meal for your husband, or do nice things for each other,marriage should bring out the best in both people.I just feel like I’m seeing this whole other side to her since dating/marrying Frank which is great, but also is she being true to herself? The OGs that have been following her and her friends for years on here will know exactly what I’m talking about, I’m sure. I just feel like I am seeing a woman in a serious relationship for the first time and I’m just getting this is all still “so new” and I want to impress him vibes. Anyone else get this from her too now? She seems like the type of girl who would change her interests/views for her husband.

On Instagram one of her followers asked why she’s being so secretive about her wedding and Morgan basically stated that she thought she was sharing anything and everything and seemed appalled at that question. I mean she really was in fact secretive about certain details. Also, on the topic of Morgan, can someone help me out here. I can’t quite put my finger on it but I can’t decide if I like Morgan or not. Sometimes I feel she’s relatable and kind, and genuine, like I could see myself having coffee with her, other times I’m getting the she’s fake vibes. I really want to like her. Maybe someone else on here is feeling the same way and can elaborate better than me regarding this. Prior to her husband has she been in a serious relationship before? I know she’s a newly wed but she seems like she’s trying too hard, almost to impress him?I’m sure other ppl on here know what I’m referring to, if you get what I’m saying..the way she’s acting with him on instagram is how I acted with my first ever boyfriend.. it’s hard to explain but if you get what I’m saying then you will understand where I’m coming from. I know her other friends are getting married, having babies ect but it also seems like she dropped her old life completely, now I know marriage and an “official” move to Houston will change life but I still feel like something’s weird? Like the ignoring him for two years in her instagram dms before finally agreeing to have a first date with him, especially if her bestie Emily knew him and had said he was a good guy..the not living with him until marriage.. but she was actually in Houston living with him, the “rush” to plan a wedding.. maybe I’m just being mean and I promise I’m happy for her, I just can’t put my finger on why I feel a certain way about all this. I just wonder if I’m the only one that feels like something is off with her? If so, please share bc you will probably explain it better