Actually the untouchable is the newly anointed king the US has. Anointed by unelected lifetime judges by the way. The US is screwed. Not sure why Biden doesn't just give seal team 6 a call right now.

Brought to you by plagiarism and AI. Bravo.

Pineapple with cheese. Stop doing that. You're making people vomit in their mouth.

This is no joke. I just hope she used a bidet before.

All of these terms are things I use when I don't know the word in another language.

All that nothing and still the back of her head is distracting me

Rebreather tech is all about removing co2 on dives. I can't give any "trusted" info. You will be trained on it if you're interested. (Don't skip these classes)

Hopefully not! Your counter lung is as it sounds, it's the middle mad between you and the filter and oxygen to let you dive closed circuit

“Let me spout all this stuff without referencing anything specifically" - Heres your "documentary" pitch.

You can do any job dangerously.. They're doing this dangerously.

His shrunken testis might be an indication.

I don't know what you're all upset about. Accchhuuaaallly I love to cook my steak with a needle dick. So clearly it's correct.