
I love them all! That said, Minthara.

Are you kidding me with this shit? Grow up.

Think that they’re the most important person in the world and act entitled and hateful. It boggles the mind how some people can go through life without shame like that.

Stop looking at sex as transactional. That won’t help you. Just be respectful, presentable, and open-minded.

Grande iced chai with a shot of espresso and some white chocolate or caramel syrup

Birth control is definitely a factor. And I really hope that the U.S. isn’t set back 70 years in a few months.

Well, we don’t like the government telling us what to do and strongly value individuality, that’s for sure.

Reading, sports, attending festivals, and, if I’m reading history correctly, having lots of sex because families had way more children back then.

There’s a culture there of being down to Earth and relatable. They don’t like people who act superior, or have “Tall Poppy Syndrome.”

The Cranes of Maine have my Living Brain.

True!! 30 Rock was definitely a huge hit. Hasn’t been a show like it since.

:BART1:Eat pant

Homer’s Odyssey. Is this about that mini-van I rented once?

No. Because everyone must know he’s reading a book.

"Approve of me, peons! I keep it real."

I don't think he's capable of being genuine for one second.

The Cranes of Maine have my Living Brain.

We had it so good for comedic televison in the '90's. What happened?

Skyrim didn't ruin Oblivion for me after I played it first, but it made Morrowind a slog. I'm in the minority on that opinion, though.


A bit of an unconventional situation. It was acting class and he was the voice and speech teacher. I was talking singing lessons outside of class. Someone in his class asked him about a certain projection problem she was having and he couldn’t help her. I remembered something I learned in my singing class and so I shared it with her briefly. It seemed to help. He felt usurped, I guess.

They were still huffy about it when I ran into them a few years later and didn’t acknowledge me when I greeted them. Pathetic. I didn’t even talk over them. I just answered a question someone else had that they couldn’t answer.

To some extent, yes. Part of the joy of travel is having experiences you didn’t expect to have. It’s important to research where you’re going and be a little knowledgeable about where to stay and where to avoid, though.

Nada. This country doesn’t feel worth celebrating right now.

Creative Team

I can’t see it but I’m willing to be proven wrong.