Yes, heard a firework-like sound then all the birds woke up and were crying out.

I have 2 tall baskets for laundry (obtained through a roundabout method).

I fill bakswt a with dirty laundry. The I throw it in the washer/dryer. When it is done, I fill basket b with clean laundry.

Never have to out clothes away. Always have a basket for clean kd dirty clothes.

I feel oil would definitely be an evil object in Discworld. For more so than the gonne, or any other man (or dwarf) made objects.

Same or worse weather on the Nordics. They got good communal apartments.

No, balancing the combat for players vs player battles rather than just single player against the AI.

Norsca was delayed coming to Mortal Empires in WHII because they weren't able to merge the WHI codebase with WHII. From their blog it sounded like they were expecting too, but that there had been too much divergence.

Unlikely that they use everything from one game to another, likely there are only a couple of libraries that can be shared across the different games.

However, it does mean there is a point in time where the new game is in development and the bug fixes and features of that are added to the old game would need to be re-implemented for the new game that is still in production. Which is hard.

Thats software development. Tiger team (new service) can never keep up with making both a new game and keeping up with new features the old team is still adding to the old game.

From this lens, and from their explanation of why it took so long to get Norsca into mortal empires, I'm feeling that the story behind CA is classic software mismanagement.

Both in organising current projects; where it sounds like each faction was it's own team implementing those art features, design, and maybe the only common team were the coders; and with ongoing projects.

Difficulty planning ahead, 1 dlc or game at a time, poor documentation of cool ideas that were implemented and the plans for features as time passes. People cycling out of the team and their small ideas not sticking around as a result. Each lore being represented by an imperial wizard is neat! But if no one writes it down when a new person is making the next asset, will anyone notice before the task is done? Or will they notice and make them redo their work and throw away the finished asset?

I hated tomatoes, cherries, peaches, and most produce. Eventually learned to tolerate producd when heavily seasoned and the others when processed.

Had a tomatoe in Portugal. Love having a tomatoe salad every time I go now.

Had a cherry there too. Now its bowls of cherries.

Wanting to stop because you are overwhelmed, have had enough, or are just done is completely normal and your partner should stop whenever you ask. I've been on the other end of what you describe, and know my partner enough to ask if she's too sensitive to keep going or if she'd like to do more.

I know we're already suspending disbelief, but why did they out the shells/platforms into the tree when they walked on the trunk anyways?

Didn't think it was real until I spent a few days edging. The sudden pain I got at one point was.... bad. Could literally feel the veins/tubes in my balls.

Might be that most PEOPLE are hesitant to inflict pain.

Entirely possible to do Aztec->Inca. Colonies along the coast, ally tribes in SA to get maps. Conquer the necessary regions. Culture shift to any Andean. If you reform Nahuatl before becoming Inca, some missions lock as you already have a reformed religion country.

Eh, it would be interesting. But in this society? Nah. People (men esp) need to get to chill out a a ton before being a woman, or even non-binary, would be appealing. Gnc would be hard enough.

Think its from Americanized software.

Wad at Bread 41 yesterday, the cashier reached over the till and hit the skip/no tip button.

If 5700 people can consume the entire wall of water, how many are needed before the wall of water stops being an impediment? Does it get thinner and stay the same shape, or start to go down from top to bottom or sides?


There are reasons why I love D20 more than CR, e.g the editing, but I don't want CR to become D20. Both shows are produced for their audience, and the CR crowd prefers the actual play version of DnD

Cat coloring has to do with the mother herself. Check out cat clones that were birthed by their clonee (cloner? Original?) They have the exact same genes but eill have a different fur coating.

Point of a straw is to be a pipe for liquid that is commonly manually pressure powered.

As an additional example of this : programmatically this whole paragraph is a string. And from here

To here, there was one character. Same as an a, or a 🔔.

Point being : a definition of a word in a specific field does not encompass its entire meaning. "Force" was a word before it had a physics meaning, and means more than just the meaning in physics.

So... this is one of those "specialists in a field used a common word for a specific thing"

A mathematically defined hole : a bottle has no holes and a straw has one.

Outside that niche : a bottle has an opening, which you could call a hole. If you dig a hole in the ground, you don't need to keep digging until you resurface elsewhere.