Yes! And I can pick it up by just hearing the rhythm.

My plumber just asked me to flush the pipes with bleach overnight then run hot water for 5 mins after he snaked the pipes. He says that his machine loosened up the gunk but the pipes need flushed and as long as it’s bleach > drano, it’s okay. I should point out that my pipes are PVC.

I would pay almost anything to get a chopped cheese delivered from Brooklyn… to Washington DC😂 The food here is so mid.

That doesn’t make any sense. All you’d need is an internet connection.

If you have Teams, it is likely monitored.
It’s sound practice to always assume a work computer is being monitored.

Not gonna lie, when I visit my friends across the country, I get as many hugs as I can before I head back because it’s a mean city I live in.

It’s depressing but I just… kinda… hug myself?
Therapist says it’s fine.

You are the same exact person regardless of your weight. I wish people would understand this before body shaming loved ones. You’ve done far more than enough to make him comfortable. It’s time for you to be comfortable in the skin you’re in. For you.

Slow Healer

The person you married is gone. This is someone else who resents you and you have to let her go. It doesn’t make a whole lotta sense and it probably never will. It feels cruel but that’s how it is. You got gotta work on yourself now.

Welcome to inflation.
It sucks here. I live in a popular east coast city. Everybody travels to exotic locations and there’s me. Going to work. Coming home. Lay in bed. Repeat.
Every dollar spent comes with heavier consequences now, it seems.
My heart goes out to you OP. At least you’re not alone.

I’m just not wired to clean. I’ve created databases, websites, designs, you name it. Cleaning? Can’t do it. So get a housekeeper if you can afford one. I would.

I set up a lot of cameras.
I’ve got the doors bolted and barricaded and there’s like 3 cops in my neighborhood.

But I try not to think about it. There are enough what ifs in my life.

She can literally see through anyone’s bullshit

They NEVER read the instructions. They keep parking in my neighbor’s driveway.

This is wild! I feel bad. I pay $15 for mine. I’m never leaving this job.

Happened to me two days ago. It’s very common.


Idk. I just accidentally spent 60 medals on a single action, medium armor rifle and I’m PISSED.


I saltquit whenever noobs go straight to extraction with like 25 minutes left on the clock. You need the samples to make your strategems work better kiddo.