Pat McAfee hosts a football talk show, was in the NFL himself, and does know Travis. Having pride in someone else who you share a community and common career with isn't cringe or weird.

If you've given him that you've given him plenty of chances.

I feel like I understand his standpoint, but I was never warned or told there was an issue. You've brought this up multiple times and he hasn't changed.

You gotta do what you gotta do. Be as direct as possible

That's good. For me my ex never brought up she felt like effort was lacking until the breakup call.

She had only ever told me once that I did something that made her sad. We never fought or anything. Which I now see probably was her hiding the issues we had.

Ive been Stonewalled trying to talk about things, because now that I know I wanna fix the issues. But sometimes it's too late. If you've been upfront with him you've done all you can. You just gotta let him know how serious you are about it.

It can be a lot of complicated reasons.

I know with my ex I was like this because there were issues that were coming up in the relationship and I was too scared to tell them cause I didn't want to lose them, but that also creates apathy. That combined with some general life depression and I didn't realize how little effort I was putting in until she left and now I see that I should have been putting in more effort from the start.

It could be he has something he is bothering him. It could also be he is breadcrumbing you. I was unintentionally doing this at times I think.

Difference seems to be you've brought up these things, but I'd really sit him down and tell him you're losing interest in the relationship unless he can start consistently putting in effort and if he doesn't want to then it's over.

The best way would probably be to put yourself out there and try and date someone.

It would also help with the intimacy issues and I think you'll feel a lot better in general about things

Of course. My ex and I also recently broke up.

I was depressed and stressed with life and she felt I wasn't putting in enough effort. I've done my part trying to apologize and let's her know I'm here to talk but it's our of my hands.

All I've been able to do is solve my issues and improve my life to where now I can be a better partner to her if we meet again one day.

It's very tough, but you're not alone.

If someone is meant to be in your life and you both love each other you will find you way back to one another.

If not things will get better in time. Be sure to let yourself feel your pain but also keep living. Keep improving your life any maybe you'll find y'all's way back to each other.

If not you'll come out the other side just as good by improving yourself.

I think if you really love him and you believe it when he says he won't let his family influence his decision then you should do it. My ex was the same way and I'd take her back if she stood up to her parents in a heart beat.

Most people in your life are gonna be biased against him because they saw what you went through. But he's also been going through the same emotions and break up and he's come out of it wanting to give it another go and sounds like he's made changes.

In the end it's up to you to do what you think is best and communicate that with him.

Before you give this out. Have you sat and discussed in depth the issues y'all are having?

If you really want to reach out deep down you should. Rejection is better than never knowing

It's tough to choose. I was in the same situation but the reverse.

If you love him find it in you to stand up to your parents. If not let him go

This was probably a huge point of contention between my ex and I. We both wanted to feel that sense of want.

She wanted me to plan dates more, I wanted her to plan dates more.

She wanted me to call her often, but on nights where I was busy or in the middle of something she often didn't put forth the effort to be the one to call most

I gave her my house key and told her many times she can come over whenever, but she wouldn't and would never invite me over to her house.

Being wanted is someone wanting to go the extra mile to show they want to be with you. The big issue we had was communicating this. Letting the other person know and then being upset when expectations weren't met.

Men want to be wanted just as much as anyone. It's making sure you let the person who wants you know that.

It's one thing for the first few months. It's another when you start talking about living together and having a family in the future.

She has to stand up to them at some point. It's her life not theirs.


You have to be upfront with him that you want these things.

I know a lot of people will say "If he wanted to, he would" but sometimes peoples minds don't work this way or they have different ways to show love. You have to sit down and tell him "I'd like to do these things more cause they make me feel loved" these things to feel loved in the relationship.

Don't send subtle hints or Instagram reels and stuff. Cause if you don't he won't know and it'll build resentment in both of you. From there you can both decide if that kind of love is right for y'all.

And wanting these things isn't bad or expecting too much is expecting too much if you don't say anything or get upset when they can't happen all the time. Sometimes people just can't for one reason or the other it doesn't mean they don't care.

The Dark Knight

Not just as a superhero movie but just as a movie. You could go in knowing nothing about Batman and love it beginning to end

That does suck I'm sorry to hear that.

I wish it was as simple as racism here, but it's more an issue that she has no control of her life and feels like she can't make choices

See id understand that more, cause same for us.

Traditional family. She is Filipino, I'm a white guy with tattoos. Id get that.

Her sister who is two years older than her is engaged to a white guy with tattoos who their parents have known about for 5+ years

She wouldn't have wanted to raise kids religious at all. I know that at least, but the family dynamic did have me questioning things. I think it's why it made it hard to talk about marriage and stuff.

I do agree with you on it being a concern that she wasn't willing to step up to her parents in anyway, she also lets her friends do the talking for her. We've never had an argument really, but there were times her friends would text me from her phone about issues she was having. She found confrontation and letting her feelings be known difficult. Stuff I know I can't fix. But it hurt to see cause she's so smart and capable.

Between my concerns and apathy from those things and some depression I stopped putting in as much effort though and I also stopped trying to bring them up. That's where I failed. When we broke up she just said I wasn't putting in effort.

We never sat and talked and tried to fix things and that's where I am having trouble. I know I should have said something, but if you love someone why not sit down and tell them you are feeling unwanted? I'd have worked to fix it. I think it goes back to the family dynamic, and it sucks because I love her and want to help her, but she's the only one who can help herself here. She has to want to fix the issues.

Maybe it was the right person at the wrong time

I don't think they would have cut contact with her. Her older sister moved out and is engaged and everything and they still talk to her. I think overall it would have worked itself out and she was scared.

It made me feel unwanted and that combined with some depression made me stop putting effort in and that's what caused the breakup. In a way it's both our faults. That was the key moment I think the wheels started turning though.

The worst part is we never talked about it. She never sat down and told her she was feeling unwanted until she ended it. It just feels bad to never have gotten A chance to talk it out and try and fix things like a couple should. There wasn't even an argument.

She told me the reason was because she didn't want to have conversations with them about relationships and she didn't want them to judge her for being sexually active.

We talked about moving in together once. She mentioned many times not wanting to live with her parents. She's an adult with a full time job and when she mentioned moving out to her mom they said no and she simply ended talks of us moving in together.

I wanted to be understanding of her situation with them and their family dynamic, but it felt like she would never be able to make a decision for herself no matter how much she wants it.

And I also felt bad about if she ever had to make that decision about me or them. I know it's an impossible choice.

It's one of the factors that lead to the break up for sure. Looking back I'd more of an effort to let her know I'd have her back and talk to her parents with her. I'd care less because she's what was more important.

She lived with them, she saw them every day, goes to church with them on Sunday even though she hates church.

My therapist told me that she's someone who has no control over her life cause her parents and isn't someone who can stand up to them unless she chooses to.