
most homeless in LA are homeless in the last zipcode they had housing in.


a new homeless person is born every day. good luck locking the problem away.

i got kicked out of the first version of this band. crazy to see this on reddit.

stupidest argument - vegans are not the exclusive consumers of avocados, not by a fucking long shot. everything we eat omnis eat 20x more of.


waiting for someone in this stupid sub to figure out that this is a symptom of a larger problem in society that won't be stamped out by locking everyone up.


here to confirm that you'd be insane to miss this

not sure I trust that so much from the weird anti seed oil place lol

The bun they use isn't vegan and, well - neither is the cheese. This is no different than what they promised before, which is to offer a vegetarian option.

people won't even eat soy and pea protein designed to mimic animal products why do they think people will jump over to bugs?

yeah these new guys are marketing nerds - no way they know how to tap into the same energy that Fred did. You can't buy taste or aesthetics.

probably not since the 90s. all form of alt culture has been so thoroughly mainstreamed i'm not sure anything is a shock. plus there are so many unsuspecting oldheads, like my friend who edits a automotive racing magazine who's friends with Ministry.


that yoshi is basically LA's waffle house.

Had the best breakfast burrito in town. Sad

For large checks always print the receipt, that way you have proof of the disappearing check and Toast can still get you your money. This has been an issue in Toast for a few years not sure it'll ever get fixed.

I don't think it models suspension angles so camber doesn't matter. For max JDM points however, go for what looks like at least -4

let's see andrew eubanks be natty

I mean you could pressure a stock gr86 to crash in a Kia Forte... Not sure if this speaks to anything that you were doing that was any better than anyone else.