Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

Yamal is a baller but he is going to have to become a Messi level talent to carry Barca against the team we have assembled and that is very very unlikely

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

All that front line and backline talent but will be wasted since they have no elite midfielders once again showing midfield is the most important positions Spain went on the most dominant International team run in history due to just having an insanely stacked midfield and playing them over forwards at times.

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

And then they will shamelessly try to tell you Foden is their main guy not Jude cuz can't have a black guys as your face lmao

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

Nah they seem to get along off the pitch and never looked like they have beef in the locker room BUT i do think it's awks for both of them when fans keep trying to compare and compete both of them when both probably just want to get the job done for the NT

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

France ain't losing no tournament with Zidane at the helm my word his ability to adapt in knock out comps and his black magic with that france talent pool? that's gg lmao

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

He's a solid player it's just the american pundits hyping him up as the "lebron james" of soccer which makes him get memed a fair bit lmao

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

Obviously nobody does it like Kroos but this new midfield has a good mix of passing and insane physicality which is a fresh mix

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

That's an awful rule lmao

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

Tchouameni showing his passing skillset with France time and time again he doesn't showcase it as much with us since we have well Kroos himself lmao next season a lot of Madrid fans are going to be caught by surprise with Tchou's passing skillset he is so good at getting the ball up the field.

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

He's always had this in his skillset just uses it not as much since we had well Kroos himself lmao so he usually focuses more on defending and positioning but Tchou is the closest player we have to Kroos's passing among our young mids he is a baller

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

So Tchou got a yellow for complaining for one of the most blatantly obvious deflections?? lmao

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

On the bright side it will also prove how much these people don't actually watch games since they will think he is still a 10 or "striker" so can't take them seriously Jude will win titles and years from now people will laugh at the fact people ever even tried to say Muisiala or Foden was better lmao

He wasn't exceptional before the goal BUT he was one of the only players who 8/10 times would try to move the ball forward either with a run and dribble or a pass rarely passed back to the defenders which Foden and a few others were doing every other pass

Scored that exact goal in yr7 lunch time ball 15 years ago so Jude is a fraud in my books i am not moved

I was semi expecting a Jude last min winner since he has a history of them with us but that doesn't mean it stopped me from screaming from pure shock and joy at 4AM in my room lmao

They also tend to play "better" against stronger teams it's usually against the smaller teams they seem to struggle against more and like you said they drag teams down a level with them lmao

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

England have no chance of going far with Foden on the wings he offers nothing doesn't beat his man with dribbling, 9/10 passes are backwards and mediocre set pieces

Genuinely had a feeling moment Foden came off England might actually do something lmao

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

Jude officially 21 now no more "he's only 20" comments to hype him up sad days 🤣

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

This game might be the confidence boost Vini needed for Brazil he's playing very well

Bellingham is very likely going back to the 8 for us next season as well now that we have Mbappe and he is one of the best midfielders itw defensively and work rate wise off the ball people who say he won't work next to Rice don't actually watch Jude play 2-3 games in a row outside of international football.

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

Man always turns up for country

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

Most of the immigrants in France are from countries France has colonized in the past and left in a worse state hence the high amount of africans in France and in the NT and why multiple African countries speak french as their main language.

Jude Bellingham :Bellingham:

He doesn't have the decision making to be the best of the best he will be one of the best in his gen but Jude is a lot better at decision making then Muisiala in almost every phase of the game and on top is just much better defensively.