Honestly, it's not even Gen Z. I have no idea why we are saying shit like this (and I'm guilty of it too.) It's either small-time fashion tiktok creators, or, more often, brands. Only issue I have with brands saying that shit is it is followed by getting rid of those styles, which then makes it harder to dress in something that feels comfortable.

Can we stop blaming Gen Z and attack the brands trying to force everyone into whatever is "fashionable" for the week? I thought we were going towards no set fashion, anyways. What changed?

God, this is gonna sound horrible, but my friend group. I just realized how much I dimmed who I was and what I liked simply because they didn't care. I was also dealing with depression, and just wanted to hang out with someone every now and then, so I'd forgo what I wanted to do or talk about for whatever they wanted to for about 10 years. It's not their fault, though.

Probably not. It is Chipotlr

Oh great. Just what I want. Old fucking assholes to come down here and make everything even more lame.

Ooh Sabotage is such a good pick

I removed that from my brain for a reason, and yet, it continues to haunt me.

Is it like you just need someone to masturbate too, and whoever pops up first happens to be today's subject? Or is it more like testing out to see if you're into them as more than a friend? Or just like, "if it ever comes up, I'd fuck them, why not?"

Emotionless from that same album was my first thought. It was the song that started my journey on dealing with my bio-douchebags abandonment.

This used to be good for the price. Now the price went up and the quality dipped

I'm not a big fan of buying bbq, but Augies is pretty good and decently priced.

This haircut haunts me. So many of the boys had it at my school and I could never understand the appeal. Gen Alpha should bring it back

Helena by My Chemical Romance played like every half hour on Fuse back in the day. I don't think I ever got sick of it. Yeah by Usher is stilled played in my car at least once a week.

So glad to see Three Cheers instead of Black Parade. That was definitely one of my top 5 soundtracks of high school.

Do you have any hobbies? Sometimes you can find a group to hang out with on meetup that share similar interest.

I got some gas over there for $2.75 this morning

I went through baggy and mom jeans. I'm not going back to a misshapen ass and uncomfortable cut jeans. Skinny jeans were my saving grace and you can pry them from my cold, dead hands

Also, sleeping on one side and needing to turn to the other is a whole process. And if you have big enough breast, say goodbye to sleeping on your stomach. Can't win.

I rediscovered this song recently. It's so fun

My friend is sure that those funeral homes are going to be used to dispose of people among a vast amount of other criminal activities.

Same. I was completely inactive on all those sites. Honestly, a lot of social media seemed to go downhill when parents and older family members started to get on it. You know, when Facebook became the biggest site. I miss myspace, and even that was toxic, but at least I didn't feel the need to be constantly updating on my life or was constantly being updated about other lives. And maybe that's because when myspace was popular, we mainly had to use it at home in our computer rooms, and didn't have a cell phone that had internet connection and apps with push notifications.

Edit: I meant to say I was completely inactive for years before deleting my profile on those specific social media sites (FB, Insta, etc.), anyway.

I think that if a band changes sounds/genres, and it sounds like "band name, but make it ____," then it works pretty well. If it doesn't sound like that, then I think the switch to a different genre seems too out of left field and can seem disingenuous.