Spendo3 did the female version first to make sure the story was 'right' then did the male version. and they're both very hot.

Rage Against The Mundane by rage against the mundane

What have you done for me lately by Steve Goodman

I wanted to post this quote but my miserable braincell kept coming back with,'File not found'. Thank you, for answering my unasked question, now I can skip the research, and have a nap.

As I understand it, the origin of the HOA, was a means by which the Developer of the housing development could shift the costs associated with infrastructure maintenance away from the local governing entity to get them to approve all the permits required to build the development, and joining was not optional at first owner purchase of the home.

Well that little visual was something I didn't know I didn't need...


Chains? Remember the privacy curtains that the hippie chicks made?

Also; the DOORS ABSOLUTLY LIVE recorded at the Fillmore East (NYC)

I kind of know that sinking feeling. Screen shots, copied bits of text seem to disappear into some unmarked folder never to be found again, until somebody else is using Bill's Bastard Bitchbox. I really don't like windows.

I'm sorry to hear anout the lost data disaster. Do you have a back-up power source?

My left knee hates them to this day. The right knee being plastic, doesn't; but that break-in period was brutal.

it was a good one, definitely worth reading.

The entire 'Rumors' album by Fleetwood Mac.

Hire a good Civil Engineer, that's the kind of setup that ends up as a feature on FailArmy.

That's what I liked about truckstop restaurants, they had a 24hr/ menu all day every day.