
Got Godslayer and super black, now I can relax too.

Hopefully this is a lesson learned for you to not joke about certain things. Congrats on your ban, you deserve it 👍

I shipped through DHL and it arrived in the Midwest USA in 4 business days.

I made sure the screen didn't timeout and the update went through after about 15-20 minutes. Then it prompted me to reboot, that was after getting the same error you did.

Went to visit a friend in NYC several years ago and we decided to take the ferry to Manhattan and walk around. I figured we should walk across the Brooklyn Bridge and back. On our way back there was a man in a decent suit who just jumped up, ran across the beam, and dove off the bridge. Unfortunately, my buddy and I were only about 15 feet from him and with how silent it was we heard him hit.

The news said he died on the way to the hospital. It was pretty tragic, we ended up getting Lee's Tavern pizza on Staten Island and several pitchers of beer in his honor.

I loved Xfire. It was such a great app, thanks for the nostalgia.

Cid Highwind from Final Fantasy VII.

Thanks for doing the giveaway!

Gears of War 3. Replaying the series, thanks for doing the giveaway 👍

I'm about 50% through the first book, Aspho Fields, and I would highly recommend it. It really helps fill in gaps and character development.

Boxer briefs. My God the chafing.

I'm really happy to see that "video games" isn't anywhere near the top. It's great to see that people can respect the hobby if it doesn't take someone over.

Mine would be shopping as a hobby or if my partner works they think they can spend whatever they want. For reference, I've been married 9 years so "undatable" is more like marriage material at this point.

Make a cup of tea, grab a short book that I know I love, read until I am content.

It works for me to revisit a classic.

Barely graduated high school then spent 2 years in college with $40,00 in student loan debt, no degree. I ended up joining the Navy in 2009 to avoid being homeless and away from my dead end retail job. Served for 9 years (made E-6), got my BA in business (3.87 GPA), then got out in 2017 debt free.

Since then I've bought a house, had a daughter with my wife of 9 years, graduated with my MBA (4.0 GPA), and am seeking a doctoral program. I now work at a medium sized agriculture company making $140k with a desire to be a university professor in 20 or so years teaching agribusiness.

Your success is dependent on your effort. Don't listen to doubters and have goals. I was bullied and led to believe I had no value and it stunted me for a while.

I have a great buddy that struggles financially. I would gift this to him so he can replace his hearty 1070 he's championed for too long. Thanks for the giveaway OP!

Thanks for doing the giveaway. Good luck everyone!

Thank you for your reply. He lived in New Mexico and was airlifted to Texas and I forgot to mention that. Not sure if that changes anything. I was going to check with the county registrar to see if he had a will done when he was there. Also in his original county back in Minnesota, he moved 2 1/2 years ago.

My dad passed away unexpectedly, his wife is no contactWills Trusts and Estates

Hey everyone,

My father had a stroke right before Christmas and passed away. I flew to the hospital immediately to be with him and carry out his wishes. Long story short he did not want to be kept alive on a ventilator so we executed his medical directive and let him go.

Since I returned from Texas on December 23rd I have been unable to get in any contact with his wife, not my mother. Unfortunately I contracted COVID and was bedridden for 7 days and unable to truly function for two weeks so it delayed me from doing anything. She will not return phone calls from me or my sister and I even sent her my dad's wedding ring and watch with signature required mail and she has not signed for it. It should be returned to me in the next week or so at least. We even called in a wellness check on her a few days ago and she informed the officer she would be calling us. She hasn't.

I do not know if my dad had a will but I know he has some possessions that my sister and I would like to have and keep in the family. Not to mention he was cremated and his wishes were to be spread in a very specific location near to where I live. She lives 20 1/2 hours away from me by car so I can't just drop in for a visit very easily.

What can I do in this situation? I've considered writing her a letter and informing her that if she does not contact myself or my sister that we would seek legal counsel. When he had his stroke I was the only one that went to be with him until he died, she never had any intention of seeing him and saying goodbye in person. I'm grieving, angry, and have extreme doubts that we will ever see my dad's remains or any of his things. It's not about money in my eyes, I just want my dad back and a chance to go through the things he cared about. I don't want to act irrationally so any advice is appreciated. Thank you.

Grain Merchandising Manager. I lead a team and buy farmer's grain to resell and use internally.

It's clear someone didn't get the memo on how to secure for sea. The best sleep I ever got was out at sea in storms.

I've been playing since the early 2000s. This game isn't going anywhere and it's never been in danger of that. It's a great game especially if you find a great squad to play with!

Large kidney stone when I was 19. Ended up blacking out while standing in the emergency room lobby. They had to knock me out and go retrieve it. 10/10 pain and it happened while I was driving, felt like I had gotten stabbed.