People are downvoting me because I'm in favor of standing up for myself apparently 🤷‍♂️ whatever, you know you're breaking the law and being a douche of a neighbor by breaking into my pool when I'm away. you don't deserve politeness.

My dude, you don't have to go cussing at them to get your point across. I didn't give a script for someone to read verbatim, do you need me to actually write some out for you?

"Hey, I've had some neighbors and friends say you've been using my pool while I've been away, this is corroborated by your daughter asking about my pool etc. I never gave you permission to use my pool while I'm away, and I think we both know that. I'm installing a security system, and if I find you using my pool again I'll be calling the police."

There is nothing immature about that and nothing immature about protecting your own property and letting people know you know they've been using it without permission.

Consistency in values is when your actions are the same regardless of the context

bro what. no. only a fucking moron deals in black and white like that. nuance and context don't just get thrown out the window so you can stand firm. that's literally brain dead.

I don't think ignoring the transgressions of your neighbors is necessarily mature. I think it's definitely conflict avoidant, but it's not immature to stand up for yourself and tell your neighbor to stop trespassing in your fucking pool while you're away like they own the place.

okay, that doesn't make it sharp though. they're literally rounded off.

dogs love bones, they just should not have cooked bones.

Dogs are not supposed to eat cooked bones, as they can splinter and cause damage internally as they're moving through your dog.

there is literally no doubt in my mind you are a child.

none at all.

I guess that was taken away in win 11, but it certainly doesn't maximize windows in win11.

I'm one of those people who doesn't use deo every day if i'm not expecting to be sweaty.

so just....cut the patch. how can this even be slightly infuriating?

in this thread, people think you get tetanus from rust.

it's from dirt, kids. dirt.

you mean...gasp light bruising/scratching? are you really so scared of that?

POV: you just found out the copy and paste functions

I hate genz so much

good for you! I don't think that's relevant here but let it out buddy, tell the world how you feel.

my dude, that's a 10 lb bird. it is nothing compared to a human. idgaf if it's mean, it's literally just a fragile bird. seriously.

People are scared of shit they're unsure of. Most people have never been struck by a goose and think it's gonna hurt a lot, not to mention the bozos in the comments saying they can break your arm 🤦🏻‍♂️

[citation needed]

Geese are not durable animals, and bird bones are not particularly all. A goose is not gonna break your arm without you intentionally somehow getting it to hit you in the same spot a thousand times.

Really thought he would have died by now tbh. Waiting for the headlines any day.

found the moron who edited the video