THanks for the response, is it relatively easy to use for beginners?

Hi everyone,

About me:

  • Live in Canada

  • Require 3D printer for engineering projects for school and side projects


  • Under $400

  • Able to print PLA

  • Beginner Friendly (as it's my first printer)

  • Build envelope around 300 mm x 300 mm x 300 mm

Nice to have:

  • Run at a reasonable speed (tbh not sure what this means, if someone can help with that)

  • Low maintenance

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

great, thanks! do u know when the building usually closes?

Study spots in Lakeshore campus Spring 2024 (don't require student ID)

Hi Everyone,

I'm a uw student on co-op looking for a quiet place to study on the lakeshore campus that closes late and does not require student ID. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

What are the best study spots that close late and don’t require student IDQuestion

Hey guys,

I’m a uw student on co-op looking for places to do work/study. Are there any places that close late and don’t require student ID? Thanks!


Hi, thanks for the information. For ABS, is the need for enclosures do to toxic fumes or something? I think printing with PETG is fine also.

Hi everyone,

Limited experience with 3D printing, would like easy to use beginner friendly printer.

FDM printer under $500.

Live in Canada.

Prefer printers to be mostly assembled. How much cheaper would printers that require assembly be?

Ideally using these prints for engineering projects with addition of electronics. Small projects such as, minature robot arm, plant watering device, etc. Printer with good dimensional tolerance preferable. Speed is not really an issue, slow is okay.

Compatiable with materials such as PETG, ABS, etc. Build envelope around 300 - 500 cubic mm bit more is okay too.


oh ok good to know, thanks. i was thinking of making the rotational component similar to this (but scaled down) and adding the phone and stand on top: do you think it would be possible using the 28BYJ-48?

yah for sure, the idea is to use the stepper motor to make a rotating phone stand for a school project. tbh I think other motors could prob work as well too. but it's just that stepper motors are commonly used in robotics afaik, and this is something I want to get more experience with.


yeah that's the other one i have. but I don't think it's powerful enough for my intended application. I think I need to figure out the torque spec I want first, and then get some help with potential suitable stepper motors

ok thank you. how do i know which drivers are compatible with the steppers? is there a datasheet or something I can refer to when purchasing?

i see, thanks. need to figure out the torque first then.

hi thanks for your response. i have the ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver

How do I choose a larger stepper motor?


I'm working on a project that requires a stepper motor (larger than the one in the starter kit). Below are some questions:

Which kinds of stepper motors are compatible with an Arduino kit?

How do I find the correct module needed for the stepper motor?

What happens if I use a raspberry pi instead?

Any input is greatly appreciated, thanks.

Is there a way to mechanically fix this spring?

Hi everyone,

I'm a student designing a phone stand. My idea is to have something like this:


The idea is to have a spring mechanism to clamp the phone in place. Is there a way to mechanically fix this without using adhesives? I want to fix it onto some 3D-printed material. Such as that below:


Also, on a side note, could someone explain how this mechanism works?


Any input is appreciated, thanks.