I'm recording.

And laughs..

If that annoys you. Idk what to tell you, don't be on the internet.

That's a new level of "What the fuck?"

Welcome to humans, we kill for even less.


Who the fuck knows. I want that, give me it.

This post is why I never do any "ranked" play anymore. When i do it's for fun, then I get this fucker trying to be rank 1 tournament player, even though they never will be, yelling at me

Were too lazy to monitor our children, its your fault.

So, we heard your complaints and demands. I said TO HELL WITH YOUR COMPLAIBTS and put AI into breast implants.

Now we have a bunch of big boobed cyborgs running around, pick up your rifle, and follow the pink line. You'll know when your testing begins.

Let me give you a guide, without any way of reading it all. (If it's real)

Welp, uh, my jobs done

E: I see the "guide" not but it looks so terrible

Ps5 controller has so many problems on pc, they should use Xbox controller

I hate Xbox controllers, THEIR D-PAD FUCKING SUCKS. However they don't need any other 3rd party

If you fail, try, try again.

Sometimes when it fails, and fails horribly

Just dont.

But... im'a big retail baby....

Give me it, and give it to me now!

It's okay, I'll take it

I was kinda drunk, not an excuse, but an explanation. This is a good step forward.

I saw someone with 48k stam, tbf they could be a no lifer spam farming rares/ harbingers.

Idk probably used an AI to "spot them" and it was chatgpt....

I call bullshit. You don't get that much

I've done almost every quest and been farming warmongers/rares for 2 days I'm NOWHERE NEAR 2500

Quit lying

I enjoy a nice 0 kelvin, then I can finally sleep

Are you insane? Questing is not the remix experience, do you wanna kill x amount of x 1000 times?

I did next to EVERY QUEST IN PANDAIRA and only got about 70k bronze.

Are you telling me to do that again, on every. Single. alt.?