I saw an abandoned and upturned truck with wheels earlier today, hoping it's a hint at a future release.

But, tbh, irl, I don't think we build roads for our moon/planet bases. Not enough resources or manpower. We always just drop the bare necessities to get the job done, not plan out a bunch of infrastructure. We just use air drop, and bigger tires/tracks on buggies and crawlers to be off-road


If people complain about the game getting boring, they’re probably playing it too much.

Exactly this. And why are they we* playing so much? Cuz it's a great fuckin game and they love it despite their complaints

E: I'm at 300 hrs and have everything re maxed and re capped. I took a break for a month cuz life, and again now I'm playing just as much as when I started.

I love eagle smoke for stealth utility. It destroys fabricators ;)

Oh wow. That's a mobile hellbomb right there on the ground, and 2 statics, 2 smokes, and a napalm loaded. On Helldive.

I don't have an answer for you. If that was there when they were loading and not brought afterward, then you were playing with a... Not very bright person, tbh.

Edit: reduced sodium

I stg, over half the posts I see in my feed from here are the same question, with GT just sitting right there.

Same with dominator, but it's a bit less forgiving with spindly limbs. I prefer it though.

Pun plas, purifier, arc Blitzer would all be good for 1 or 2 in squad to have for bigger CC, too

I'd honestly love this as an Op effect

The good ones off top of head would be eagle strafing run, HMG, eagle smoke (easier to see invisibles and destroys holes/fabs), incendiary mines, EATs (very small AOE, kill lairs from distance), laser cannon (sweep blindly to search), shield backpack, supply pack.

Stun, smoke, impact nades. Grenade pistol.

Eruptor 1 OHKs them. I'd enjoy everyone bringing CC primaries, pun plas and purifier for AOE CC, dominators/punisher for single target CC. A bunch of breaker incendiaries would be good too, though, since the flames can be seen when they re-cloak. With supply packs everyone could sweep a couple shots to see if anything catches.

I'd run explosive resist ammo if doing AOE CC primary. Stim or nade armor if not. Extra throw armor for the guy with a regular airstrike to take out lairs.

Turrets would probably be bad since they wouldn't start targeting until they're uncloaked and in your group, which is a recipe for team killing.

Lots of options, really

Oh yeah that was great! Full EAT and recoilless eradicates, sublime. Maybe with some mortar turrets, too.

Agreed, I started playing at least one level above supers a while back and haven't regretted it at all. When I tried a 6 cuz I just wanted to chill out a bit, it was the hardest series of missions I've ever fucking played because everyone was terrible lol.

No griefers, really, just bad players.

Pretty much. Shield emplacement sometimes, and EATs sometimes, but usually just reds lol

You can do that with a lot of them tbh. I toss quite a few a couple steps ahead of me and they come down without hitting me. Dive timing makes it safer. Don't do it with OGS, OGB, or clusters though. Those have to be a couple steps behind you.

Oh man also when they fire the nade launcher too close so it ricochets before arming. And just so happens to ricochet right at you.

Definitely this. Them bitches jump, and half health is 1 shot zone from almost everything

I use it sometimes for bugs when everyone else has plenty of things to deal with chargers and BTs. I'll run HMG, napalm, OGB, 500k. Medium extra nade armor, fire impact nades for breaches.

Usually though, instead of HMG I bring flamethrower for chargers or spear for BTs/blue objectives, depending on what everyone else has. I try to kit around the group, while maintaining ability to solo if needed. People really sleep on area denial red strats sometimes.

I am! Just bought a new tub last week, actually. And yes, I still believe it's the best magnesium supplement I've used and helps with my sleep. I often forget to take it, then when I take it again I have better sleep again lol.

It's a powder that is called magnesium citrate, but the ingredients list says magnesium carbonate, citric acid, +some others.

If it says magnesium citrate powder then that's probably good enough tbh

Specifically, in the US, the brand CALM is what I use

Autocannon turret gang. Chuck one away, call down hellbomb, arm it as gunship debris rains down around you.

I can't imagine any other button I'd press quicker than that one.

Yeah, it's annoying. It's in the patch notes as "known issue not fixed" too. Eradicates and personal orders, at least, idk about overall kill count but that's not really important.

During the 10 charger PO I had to kill 12 since 2 of them bled out and didn't count haha.