NTA if she gets that upset with you over something you have zero control over that’s a her issue. It’s not like you made Frances mat leave policies.

NTA “you lied to me. That changed everything.” Then block her and document all the harassment.

It had $400. She also has her own account she said in a previous comment.

I’d be willing to bet the court picked you for the exact reason you contested the adoption. NTA

People will treat you as badly as you allow them to. Is this really how you want to spend the rest of your life? It won’t get better when you get married

I’d tell hubby to agree to help and then bail last minute like she does. I’m petty like that tho

You won’t have a family if you don’t get any attention to them. You need to work on your work life balance.

NTA but he’d be an ex real quick if this is how he “supports” me when I’m down that low.

If it’s not yours don’t touch it without asking. That’s my thoughts on everything not just food. It’s not hard to send a text “hey bro I’m using your strawberries cause they’re about to go bad, if you want I’ll buy you replacement berries when you’re back.”

“You’re just showing me I made the right choice mom. At least me doing this is actually going to make sure she gets the help she needs since you have your head in the sand.”

That wasn’t a joke. I’d end things over that. Physical violence is NEVER ok!!

You’re being controlling. Shes not actively trying to get your wife and her brother together. Shes not trying to cause issues in your relationship, you’re doing that all on your own.

“ you should be more concerned about the monster you’ve allowed your bratty daughter to become” NTA

It’s like he took her boundaries of what not to do and used it as his to do list.

He did exactly everything you asked him NOT to do. That’s such a slap in the face and disrespectful. NTA at all.

NTA tell your mom her choice to not listen to your warning is what got them there. Short of flinging them over your shoulder and carrying them back wtf were you supposed to do? Teleport them? They’re completely unreasonable and 100% in the wrong.

How is this even a question? Like what does husband really expect here? For you to kick out your minor child that you have a legal and moral obligation to?