During your induction you will be given your new uniform. Ideally whoever deals with inductions will be in contact before your start date to ensure they have your sizes so they can have your uniform ready. If not then you will be taken to the prison stores to grab uniform during your tour.

You need to put >! At the start of each paragraph.

Put !< at the end of each.

Try using the fruit basket toy. It is ranged and does zero damage

I finished the deluxe edition recently. I now have to wait to get the 10 years away achievement.

You will need a custom macro with one of the below binds. These will use the gem that is currently socketed.

/use meta gem

/use cogwheel gem

They said that normal flying will unlock at max level

Hardly, you can do pvp world quests which are essentially pve quests in a pvp area to get them.

No catch up mechanic yet. Likely wont be one until the last month

You get that quest the first time you open a box and it acts as a tutorial on scrapping.

You don't even need to finish the campaign. Kill the 3 rares in the other factions base and do about half of the campaign to hit exalted, that's it

People are far too focused on the number of rewards you can buy with bronze. Most of the items are old transmog sets you can still obtain in retail, so not buying them is not a big deal. All the new stuff overall costs about 250k, which is easily obtainable with casual play and alts.

I dont play horde, but isn't that the portal room? The bank will be on the other side

The biggest caches actually start appearing from the quest and dungeon finder at lvl 65

This has been a thing since they made them daily it will still reset tomorrow.

They clearly said multiple times they will all be converted to regular characters and given appropiate gear at the end of the event

Make sure you are actually riding a dragon riding mount. At that stage, you will only have a renewed proto drake

It's more that class sets for other classes do not appear in your set list. As in rogues cant see full monk sets but if you searched for individual pieces of the set you unlocked, you will find them.

Get an addon like 'Better wardrobe', and you will be able to see other class sets.

Yes leveling an allied race will unlock their heritage set but the quest won't pop until after the event.

There is a work around, once you level an allied race to the right level, go and make a new character of the same race in normal retail. Make it a class trial and as soon as you login the quest will pop.

You can get it on alts as well

This is more or less what I am doing, though I will be keeping myself to just classes of each armour type. The buff to cache drops just makes it easier to buy everything else on my alts.

I am actually surprised there isnt a pet vendor for this event.

Most of the stuff you can buy are old transmog sets from dungeons, raids and even questing gear. They are still available and will continue to be available long after this event, so they are low priority.

So when I say new, I am referring to mounts and tmogs that are exclusive to this event that will likely be unavailable once it ends.

New mounts and new tmog from world apparel vendor is only about 130k. Not sure where you are getting a million from.

I also have all old mounts from farming them over the years.