eh. i don’t have any frags that i absolutely despise in my collection, and im guessing a lot of people here don’t either. i took “didn’t particularly like” as a scent that you don’t love but is still wearable. i don’t know why so many people on fragrance subs get annoyed at the idea of enjoying compliments on your scent. imagine you wore an outfit you didn’t particularly like and got a compliment, wouldn’t that feel nice?

i get the most compliments when i use the super milk leave-in in my hair! like way more than any fragrance lol

i went there with a friend and the girls working seemed like they didn’t care if we lived or died. good food though!

aritzia ! idk where you’re located but here in canada they’re having a crazy sale rn

i enjoy it a lot less now because of tipping. i went to a restaurant the other day with a friend for dinner and the minimum tip option was 35%! and i live in a country where waitstaff is paid fairly per hour

i totally get what you’re saying and i agree for the most part. i just think that kayleigh with the stanley cup and the summer fridays lip balm isn’t much different than the 2000s girls with the juicy couture sweatsuits. influencer culture is just marketing. it’s way more pervasive, yes, but it’s nothing new.

i agree that young girls shouldn’t have an expectation to constantly receive expensive products, but i think that if it’s reserved for a birthday or christmas, it kind of shows the kid that this is a very special item that they received as a gift only because its a special occasion. parents do this all the time with expensive toys, gadgets, etc. why not a lip balm that their kid really wants?

i would argue that it has always been the case for children to adhere to norms set by the people around them in order to succeed socially. for example, wearing walmart shoes vs nikes, having a cheaper phone vs an iphone, etc. you’d have been made fun of or ostracized in severe cases for having “cheaper” things over the brand name. it sucks that this is the reality, but children falling victim to consumerism and enforcing it in a way is not anything new.

kids are extremely impressionable. we don’t teach them to be easily influenced, they just are. ive seen a reddit post before about a young girl who was getting bullied because she didn’t have a stanley cup. if becomes severe enough that your child is being bullied for something like that, i dont know if the better choice is to stand your ground and allow your child to continue to be ostracized/bullied, or just give in so that they fit in & the bullying ends. being a kid sucks in that regard.

i kinda went off track at the end there, but my ultimate point is just that children will always be easily influenced and it’s hard to make them immune to that sort of influence. i’m sure we’ve both said “x and y and z have x-item. why can’t i” at some point throughout our childhoods. not to say that you should just give in to whatever they want, but it’s easier said than done to mitigate influence when it’s so personalized now

times are changing a lot! even if a child doesn’t have social media, they’re still being influenced into wanting products from sephora by the people around them in school/their family/etc. there are of course a ton of children that don’t want/expect anything from sephora but it depends a lot on your upbringing too.

my mom and sisters exclusively bought drugstore products and they all wore very minimal makeup aside from foundation and a bold lip, so i didn’t really have any interest in it until i was on the internet for myself. whereas i had a friend growing up whose mom exclusively bought her makeup from MAC/sephora and so she had more of an interest in more expensive products because she was influenced by her mom.

i don’t personally think there’s any harm in buying a 10 year old a summer fridays lip balm or whatever if they really want it for a birthday/christmas present. they’re only being influenced by their surroundings

same. i was only allowed to wear bb cream outside of the house when i was 12/13 but when i was at home i’d sneak into my moms room and do a full face for fun because i just loved makeup. i think ‘sephora kids’ have always existed lol, they just weren’t necessarily at sephora

and mass immigration comes with 0 consequences? what about unemployment for citizens of that country? cost of living skyrocketing? what an oversimplification

it’s really thick and goopy, which i really like. i wouldn’t say it’s sticky necessarily but my threshold for sticky is very high, and i even tend to enjoy sticky lip glosses/balms. the shine also lasts for a really long time for me

wow i didn’t know reddit was so abundant with psychologists. how good of you to diagnose her based solely on your own experience with OCD

cringe armchair psychologist. “working on a relationship and communicating when you want things to change before just giving up on it is x disorder. get therapy” ick

i think it’s worthwhile for OP to just stop buying groceries & see how that goes before going completely nuclear and breaking up with him and kicking both of them out. that’s really oversimplified advice to be giving somebody over the internet. we don’t know their situation.

would you be able to find any data that backs up your claim?

so the solution to an already pressing issue is to make it worse by not having children (a future working class) at all? people would suffer even more

yeah unfortunately they also have probably worked minimum wage jobs their entire lives and most likely lived paycheque to paycheque. they are outliers. look at the data, most people do retire by the time they are 65. people often keep working after the retirement age because the cost of living is unaffordable. there are many reasons why the cost of living is going up and it’s a really convoluted issue but it will absolutely not be solved if everyone stopped having kids.

as time goes on, there are more and more retirees. if most people stopped having children, there is nobody to ‘balance’ the working class and the retirees because the working class existing ensures social security for retirees. what’s going to happen when there’s more people ready for retirement than people working? absolutely nothing. you’re going to keep working as long as you can stand it because you have 0 social security because there’s nobody to replace you in the working class

okay but if everybody stopped having kids you’d be working til you’re 90.

the free stuff and financial help is for the child
whether the parent uses the money and donations for their child or not is a different issue. the truth of the matter is that you’re an adult and you are more able to survive without support than a child is.

how do you like it? im thinking of blind buying bc ive loved all the creamy lemony scents ive come across (lush super milk, b&bw iced lemon pound cake, replica under the lemon tree, etc). do you think its blind buy safe?

am i the only person in van who thinks Lee’s is not anything special

you could say that about any issue majorly caused by any generation ever. im sure your mom also didn’t single handedly make housing unaffordable. i’m sure she didn’t make it so that a small trip to the grocery store now costs $60. im also positive your mother didn’t make the tough decision to drive up healthcare costs.

it’s not productive to bring up a single specific case/person when we’re taking about a general group of people. nobody is blaming specific boomers we know in our lives. we’re talking about the effect that they’ve had on society as a whole

im also wondering if the compliments people on here get are from people they know or strangers. when i talk about getting compliments on my scent, i am talking about strangers unless i specify that it’s from somebody i know.

obviously no shame in including the people you know personally. it’s just a lot different to get a compliment from someone you interact with often than a stranger who was so stunned by your scent that they had to compliment you. when i hear talks of “compliment getters,” i automatically assume they’re talking about compliments from strangers