Back in the 60's there was a comedy sketch show on BBC called, "Not Only..But Also". It starred Dudley Moore (along with Peter Cook). Every week Moore played a jazz track; sometimes solo; sometimes accompanied by a singer but most often with his bandmates from the Dudley Moore Trio. I was only about 10 years old but I loved listening to him play and jazz has been with me ever since. Thanks Dud.

When I worked in Edinburgh (mid-1980s) I regularly had a spaghetti bolognese pie.

Who mentioned the English? Or is it that you think Westminster is England's parliament so it amounts to the same thing?

Well, that'll teach you for voting "No" and giving Westminster the perfect excuse to ignore and/or punish us for having the audacity to want a say in our own affairs.

I'm one of the older generation and I've been disillusioned with the UK for as long as I can remember - over 60 years - and I wish people wouldn't tar all us oldies with the same brush. During the 2014 campaign I was really heartened by the number of older folk who supported independence. In fact, where I lived at the time I'd say the local campaign was run by highly committed older folk who were just as devasted by the result as everyone else. A lot of us are still alive and kicking and want another "go" at it asap.

I've been using TuneBrowser recently. It sounds fantastic; plays all the major file types; handles large libraries with ease (mine is over 50K tracks and 500gb) and it looks so modern and slick compared to everything else. It costs £25 for the full version but it's worth every penny.

Volvo 265GLE. 2.8 litre, 6 cylinder and about 18mpg which is probably why I haven't seen one in years.

Oh, sorry. Where did my image go? Upoaded again.


A bit of a lucky findJazz

I got these in a box of "miscellaneous items" at an auction. I won the lot for only £3.00 and threw everything else in the box in the bin. Quite a bargain, I thought.


I thought I'd have a hunt for Ayakara as I'd never heard of them. I found them on Deemix-gui and listened to a few tracks: they are very good. I'll listen to more now that I have found them. Thanks for mentioning them.

Going back a bit but Chou Pahrot were the maddest thing ever to come out of Paisley, and that's saying something!! Fifty years on and I still listen to their live album regularly.

I just wanted to say thanks again for helping and to let you know I seem to have solved the issue. I did an uninstall then re-install from scratch. I used IObit uninstaller then realised there were some residual library files left over from an earlier installation that were still on my PC. I got rid of them and installed Musicbee from scratch and all my tracks are now listed properly. Phew

Thanks for taking the time to help me. I like your workflow for adding music. I think I'll adopt it in future. Another thing I tried was to find out if there were any files not showing in my full library but showing in any playlist - and there are. I have a favourites playlist (407 tracks) and all of the "missing" tracks that happen to be in that playlist appear as normal. I love Musicbee and it has served me well for years but now it's getting a bit frustrating. I can see me using TuneBrowser until I can summon up the energy to try again to figure out what's going on.

Thanks for replying. It depends on the music source. If it's a CD I just rip it straight into Musicbee. If it's a download then I have set up a holding folder in file explorer where I direct all my downloads. I then check everything is OK and then just drag the folders into my main library folder on an external SSD (which has nothing on it but my music library). I then get Musicbee to scan for new files. It has all worked perfectly for years so I'm at a loss to explain what has gone wrong.

Hi and thanks for your suggestion. I'm afraid neither worked. The strange thing is that all the affected albums are ones that have been in my library and have been listed correctly for years. I also tried right clicking a track in File Explorer/Open With/Musicbee. It played perfectly but still doesn't appear in the track list. I also did a check on the total tracks in my library and Musicbee is showing just over 5000 fewer tracks than TuneBrowser. There could be any number of reasons for that but it's a really difference.

Thanks for that. It's getting late where I am so I'll give it a try tomorrow. your help is much appreciated.

Hi again. I've always used the "Auto tag by album" function on Musicbee but I've been using MP3tag just as an added layer of checking. I think you are correct though; it's a metadata issue. I just can't work out what has changed and how to fix it.

Thanks for the reply. I'm pretty careful about making sure my tags are up to scratch but I double checked and everything seems fine. TuneBrowser and Plex list the tracks correctly. Also, this has happened just in the last few days; previously everything was listed perfectly. I've just started going through some of the affected albums and checking with MP3 tag but again nothing seems amiss. It's got me stumped.