When you idiots come to Baltimore for a game, stop by Attmans Deli and grab one of these dogs. It will make you feel marginally better for the beatdown at the bank.

lol no. It’s a dominant butch lesbian. Not a black lesbian. Plenty of black lesbians are femme

I want to caveat this. Buy a snowboard bag but NOT retail. Look on Facebook marketplace. I am from Maryland but me and a few friends have lived in Vail a few times. There have been at least 3 times one of us has coordinated to grab a snowboard bag from someone in Denver before jumping on our flight. $30-$40 every time.

I did stuff like this when I was your age. What happened to me, hopefully will happen to you. You will realize what a shitty person you are and have to live the rest of your life with the guilt of all the shitty things you have done.

Someone worked for that watch. Maybe it was a gift from a parent that worked long hours to make their kid happy. Maybe it was given to someone by their kids so it could be used for the medical data and life saving 911 dialing technologies (actually did this for MY father). Or maybe it was someone that just did something nice for themselves because they have been feeling down.

In any case, YOU ruined that. And you are a bad person. Hopefully one day you will grow up and realize that.

Does anyone else feel like he is coming off a bit too eager? You gotta play it cool. Like, I get it, talking to someone new is nice and you want to bolster that. But you are texting. I think whoever said ask her on a date is 100% right. Being really engaging and very interested in conversation is what you want to do when you meet someone in person. When it’s through text it’s can feel fake or forced even though that’s what you both are doing because you don’t actually know each other at all.

Once you get that feigned engagement and you can tell she is reciprocating then set something up and try to make it within a few days. Being personable over text only works for so long when you aren’t… ya know… in person. It starts to feel like a chore.

Love how you edited the post and added this comment so you don’t seem less like a psychopath. Hope you saw my other comment.

This sounds like it was written by a psychopath. “My husband has divorced parents who are very happy now and co-parent well. My husband thinks highly of his parents and believes they had an amicable split. I always pushed that his dad cheated and he said several times that no cheating was a part of their divorce. Some cousin told me (totally completely unprompted I swear even though I inadvertently admitted that I have raised this issue multiple times with my husband) that he did cheat. Now poor me I am so torn with this information and I am fighting the urge to stir up a bunch of shit that has nothing to do with me”

Jesus christ.. you need to look in the mirror. Why exactly do you think it is your business, responsibility, or place to meddle in your in-laws divorce that happened multiple decades ago? I think you know it’s not but you love some good drama so you are hoping people here give you a pass to start shit. Get over yourself.

Hey man, it’s all about having fun. Haters are going to hate no matter what you are riding.

My friends always say I am a Jerry but I just don’t get it. I have tried so many different boards and they always say the same thing. It just doesnt make sense; my backpack is always filled with all my necessities, my Bluetooth speaker always has a charge, I have tried 4 different dopesnow outfits, and I have these awesome step in Clew bindings. I even put down the guard rail on the lifts so we can rest our arms & boards on it! Nothing ever makes a difference.

I have learned to just ignore it and have fun.

PSA: One quiver for all your boards is for Jerrys. Be like this guy and make each board its own quiver.

Brother, I sent you a PM. Trying not to annoy you. BUT I will be straight up. I can’t stop playing this game. I am nearly positive whatever bug you have found, others have found it and are using it against me. Can you please share with me? Or let me know if they have fixed it? It is driving me crazy.

Cutting is going to be a challenge. Usually you have to increase cardio on a cut and I think you might have trouble with those tiny legs holding up that upper body.

Weird thing about Nicks. I literally don’t like tomatoes but the bruschetta they sell is actually amazing and I don’t understand it

When that pigeon joined the Raiders kick coverage team and set a flawless contain lol


I can promise you this, we are going to get an elite something that falls to us like it always does


I ride a big board and prefer an insanely narrow stance. Went from channel to a 4X4 system with a new spring purchase. Literally am unable to get my stance as narrow as I like. It’s really only the slightest bit wider and I don’t notice it anymore but I did notice it at first when I set up the new board. Honestly loved the channel system. Never had a slip in 5 years of riding it.