I'm a parent and I still cut my own grapes up. I'm not attentive when I eat, and I just prefer them like that.

played pall mall at Aubrey Hall

It's like arrows... pointing to his tight crotch... I approve greatly.

But then I also want him and Captain Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly on a tshirt with the slogan My Captains of the Tightpants. So judge how you wish.

But it isn't really walking away is it? She'd have lost everything and everyone. Her community believed divorce and contraception wrong, so if she admitted to any of it then she'd have been ostracised. Maybe she'd have managed to keep custody and monetary support, but all her friends, gone. Her kids' friends, likely having parents with those beliefs would possibly be cut out too. She's stuck coparenting with the father for 18 years, and again any big event after that, you've got the possibility the kids would also be part of those beliefs, so she may be cut out there entirely. Meanwhile, her body was being battered by pregnancies also risking her kids not having a mother due to that strain. You don't really walk away when you have kids together, and reality is confronting it would not have really helped either.

She shouldn't have let Addison take the hit, but she really shouldn't have needed to. She should have been able to seek medical attention for herself without her husband knowing. I'm in the UK and my doctor literally checked with me if I wanted my tubes out when I had my c section, and she did it when my husband wasn't in the room. She went through what they'd do if I didn't want him to know. And that's exactly as it should be.

This looks like a house out of I'm on Observation Duty and I love it.

Did you hear from them after? They seem the type to email at 2am saying the tap is dripping and you need to fix it.

... my flabber is gasted. The fuck!?!?!

I have no words. Well done for getting through it all.

I approve of this level of petty. What did they do to require it before their last request?

You pat him on the head and say "yes dear" in a condescending manner and then continue to pretend you don't know why he's annoyed with you because you're agreeing with him.

And then one day you get him to take you to the hairdresser and loudly explain to the stylist that you need a wavy cut, because your husband says your hair isn't curly and when they're confused, tell them to ask him.

This, we viewed the house we bought, then had a second viewing with family. We made the offer after that.

If he wasn't, I'd have actually learned how to mod things. I have never bothered, I am perfectly happy with the vanilla everything, but no Logan would have forced me.

Perfect parenting award goes to you!!!! Seriously, working around idiots is a life skill, and you taught them well.

I understand. There are things you deal with because family. But it doesn't mean it isn't hell. You did good.

3 years?!?!? And yes. German explains a lot.

Is she so tiny you can't accuse her of being pregnant because of a tummy? Because I'm petty.

It's only funny because it's past, and you knew how to deal with it!!!! Dear lord, you lived with your in-laws and everyone survived? After the pepper issue?

You parented him perfectly, you raised him to not allow that shit. Beautifully done.

I'm going to need more information on their response, because it sounds hilarious.

I'm not child free, when I eventually get round to botox, I'm justifying it by saying my child caused the lines, therefore I need to spend some of her future inheritance on it!!!

This was literally what I was going to say, I've called my mother at a stupid time before for this reason.

When I did intermittent fasting, I made my husband watch our child, put her to bed, and then reheat his dinner whilst I spent hours languishing in the bath. To avoid me feeling hungry, hangry, or tempted by his food.

To be perfectly honest, it was the best part of it, fuck the weightloss, watching him realise how exhausting it all was was an absolute delight. Good books, diet coke, no husband, and then him whining that our daughter wanted 3 books?!?! Gold.

Can't check that off yet. 📝

I paid GBP 26.98 for KEY. For less money, I got This Bed We Made, Scene Investigators, Lake, Shadows of Doubt. All fantastic games, with less issues (Ok, will concede SoD is a bit buggy), longer than the old games. HER have increased the price, decreased the frequency, and the quality isn't there. I'd be less annoyed if we still got them twice a year, because it was lovely getting to the end of a game and then seeing the trailer and knowing (and this is even if I didn't hugely that one), that I'd get another in a couple of seasons.

I can handle the price increase, if the other issues weren't so prominent. Issues other devs are actively working on to fix in their own games. Feels like HER have checked out and I miss them.