I think they tried to make a zero with a four and a six. So, .99¢.

"oh, these kittens... Always in a hurry... " The slower, wiser cat, probably.

Non, pas du tout . J'ai fait mes 20 ans mariee à un sergent, j'avais plusieurs amies mariées à des officiers.

Et d'ailleurs, si mon commentaire ne vous plaît pas, passez donc votre chemin.

J'ai été épouse de militaire pendant 20 ans, avec quatre postings différents. Comme d'autres l'ont dit, la vie militaire est totalement différente de la vie civile, s'y réhabituer après 20 ans a été difficile.

Certaines bases ont une communaité très orientée vers la famille (comme Trenton), alors que sur d'autres (hello, North Bay...), on a l'impression de vivre dans un bocal à poissons, tes collègues de travail sont aussi tes voisins.

Est-ce que je le referais? Mariée à un officier, peut-être. À un NCM? JAMAIS EN CENT ANS!!

Careful, if you keep that up, the dust bunny might bite back. Better to get it a second keyboard as a decoy.

No honks; bad!

I'm in Beacon Hill and the "storm" lasted less than 5 minutes, from 7h28pm to 7h31. Talk about a storm... 😒🙄

Unless i am mistaken, i believe it's called "hollow heart" disease. I've found potatoes will litteral hollow insides, looked a bit like an amethyst geode, if you've already seen one.

You can also saturate the stains wirh Dawn dishsoap and let it rest a bit before washing. Usually works for me.

Yes, it belongs to Metro..originally started in the province of Québec, but now Ottawa has a store and i love it!

Edit: forgot to say the full name is Marché Adonis.

Neck is a bit short, but it would make an amazing life-size ostritch. Congratulations, it's superb!

Doesn't look like a problem to me, more like heaven.

It really gives the meaning to "it's like herding cats" doesn't it? 😊😊

I can relate, i'm currently working on my fifth... After this one, i'm going for some chicks and a few eggs.

And after that? A cardinal and a cat or two. 😊😊

I'm also pondering that question... I'm thinking of using chicken wire with a regular mosquito screen on top. This way, my kitties won't be able to claw their way out and the mosquitos and other flying bugs will stay outside.

We mix it with ground pork and beef in equal amounts to make tourtière.

:ClawS3: Ravenclaw

Doesn't mean because they exist that it's acceptable to use them. Hence the "unforgivables".

:ClawS3: Ravenclaw

Because it is. On the surface, my son looks perfectly normal, so people are quick to pass judgment and commentaries when he acts differently than the "societal norms". He can't help it, that's how his brain is wired.

Je l'ai lu au secondaire et j'ai détesté chaque paragraphe. Quand on en a eu fini en classe, je l'ai jeté. Bérénice est clairement dérangée, j'en ai fait des cauchemars. Ça n'enlève en rien de ses qualités, mais c'est définitivement un livre qui devrait venir avec une mise en garde " ne conviendra pas à tout le monde".

:ClawS3: Ravenclaw

Why on Earth would you want to wish autism on anybody, even your worst enemy?? I have an autistic son and i wouldn't wish that on anybody. That's just despicable. 🥺😞

I concur: i tried sealing a loaf sous-vide for freezing. It became a flat, compact brick and did not come back to shape once the bag was opened. A total waste, tasted aweful. I do not even remotely suggest it. In fact, i stronglt advise against.

Can i order a basket like that for delivery???

This is such an amazing design, kudos to you. Instead of frogging it, why not turn it into a cushion?