Agreed. I’m not a fan of Milwaukee but that art museum is very nice. It’s unique and makes the skyline pop at certain angles, albeit unimpressive otherwise.

Give credit where credit is due. St Louis sucks but that arch is pretty damn cool to see.

Oh boy, no one tell her about The Light Eaters by Zoe Schlanger, which discusses the intelligence of plants and how they communicate. She might say we in this cult are trying to make The Happening a true story.

Everyone else should read that book. Downright amazing and she doesn’t use a lot of scientific speak that can be easily confusing. One of my favorite science books in recent years.

Yes. They befriend some of the most batshit evil people and then retcon said evilness.

Shaw begins his Fast career destroying a hospital. Never to be brought up again.

Well, so does the Israeli government at the moment but that’s a whole other thing.

I believe so. He wears a yamaka in half the thumbnails I see him in.

Which could be a camouflage idk.

“If you have a different interpretation than me you deserve death” is pretty much what we’re afraid of, Benny.

But that’s ok. I don’t think Jews will have much a voice in this Christian autocracy we are marching towards so he won’t have a voice much longer. Silver linings, I guess?

Hancock's son is a high ranking official at Netflix, so that isn't going to happen.

If you have enough money to afford these sets, you have enough money for the mansion they belong in.

JK; personal opinion is I have no idea and prefer the smaller sets simply because I can actually put them out and display them without losing entire desk space.

Well, the people did their part for the 2000 election. We’d have to go further back as to what allowed such corruption to transpire.

Also the first time in my young life I realized democrats were totally spineless.

I saw 5 hawk tua videos in a row and they were each the same thing. “How I expect her to react to my x collection”, showing Pokémon, MTG, video games, etc

To the point I was half expecting the next one to be “how I expect her to react to my hawk tua collection” and it’s just that video playing a hundred times over one another.

To say it is overdone is an understatement.

It was the commonality of a tiny mind that confused me so.

I often get Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens confused in the same way.

Scrolling through this I think is the first time I realized Steven Crowder and Charlie Kirk are two different people.

Imagine this is what you listened to. Every day. Unironically.

What miserable lives these people must lead.

There’s a comedian who has a whole bit that this isn’t technically pedophilia. It’s extremely funny. But basically it goes over how pedophiles are for extremely young kids and there’s a different term for people that are sexually attracted to early puberty, etc. The entire punchline is that it’s impossible to talk about without sounding like you’re defending pedophiles.

But yeah fuck this asshole and his defense of a horrid crime.

This is true. Of those 300 people that died, not a one was a forged man.

Only brittle men that use pronouns like “he/him” suffered such fate. Possibly some women too.


Godzilla always has atomic breath and regenerative properties.

You have to fundamentally change Kong’s character in order to stand an actual chance. Kong originally gets killed by machine gun fire and falling off a building. Godzilla only ever gets killed by extreme weaponry.

Unless the fight is Kong vs Godzilla 1998, then it’s more evenly matched.

I don’t even like Terrifier why the hell am I gonna buy this?

Disturbed defended Taylor Swift.

IDK why but I feel that's all that really matters. I don't even care for Disturbed but their lead singer arguing in her favor to a hostile crowd will never not be awesome.