Can’t get past the Home Screen and remote is blinking

Hi! I turned on my tv and it loaded to the Home Screen or I guess screensaver? But neither remote would work other than when I turned it on. Now anytime I try to use the remote it just blinks non stop for several minutes. The dongle remote isn’t working either. I’m not sure what to do. Any help would be great! Thank you! Oh and I have unplugged it and plugged it in again and that hasn’t fixed it.

I feel a little better that it’s not just me😂 and I’m glad to know my calendar will update, I hadn’t even thought of that! thank you so much:)

That makes perfect sense! I think I’ve made this way more complicated than I needed to lol. I have a hard enough time trying to figure out what time something is on TV when it doesn’t include central time so this really got me😂 thank you!

Hi! Thank you! I was thinking it was 8pm but I’ve gotten myself so confused I convinced myself I was wrong😂 I would love to post a picture of the reservation but I can’t figure out how to do that. In the body of the reservation it says 20:00 but in the header box above it where it has my name and contact info it says 1-5pm CDT. I think that’s what’s confusing me. What’s so sad is I’m not really THAT old, I’m just not very worldly😂

Help a clueless old lady figure out a reservation time lolQuestion

Hi! I have never been out of the country. Actually never even out of my state😂 so I am especially clueless about overseas travel. I made a reservation at a restaurant in Barcelona for 20:00. In my email confirmation it says the date and the time of 20:00, but it also says 1-5pm CDT (I’m central time). Can anyone tell me what time the reservation is for in the time zone Barcelona is in? I feel like a total moron right now but I’m so confused😂 The restaurant only has online bookings so I can’t call. Plus I’m too embarrassed to ask anyone in an environment that isn’t anonymous😐 thank you!


That’s what I was thinking too. I appreciate that my ex husband is taking her to the dr (it’s his weekend…) but I swear he just doesn’t listen sometimes then I start getting confused and think well maybe I’m wrong😂 I guess I’m just going to have to let him go up there and see for himself. I really wish they made the whole insurance process easier. It’s so dang confusing! Thank you so much for your reply!

I looked on her plans website but that clinic is not on there. To me that means they don’t take it. But my ex husband said “it clearly states on the clinics website that they accept Medicaid”. I can’t get it through his head that just because it says that doesn’t always mean it’s so😂 She’s just so miserable with that rash I’d like her to be seen as soon as she can and that place doesn’t open until 1. I know the last time I was looking for a Dr for myself I had a hard time because so many drs will say yes we take blue cross instance but then they don’t take my particular blue cross plan. There really needs to be an easier way😂 thank you so much for your help!

Finding urgent care that takes my insurance Medicare/Medicaid

Hi! My daughter is with her dad this weekend and she’s had a rash come up and it’s driving her crazy! I told my ex husband to take her to urgent care to see if they can do something to help her. The nearest place listed on her insurance website is 30 minutes away. Instead he wants to wait until the one in his town opens at 1. But here’s the thing. On their site it says they take Medicaid, but this particular place is not on my daughter’s list of places who accept it. It’s been so long since we’ve used anywhere different I just can’t remember how this works. But I know in my own case a few years ago when I was trying to find a new dr just it lists a particular insurance company on the dr website that doesn’t automatically mean they take your particular plan. I hate when these things happen and they aren’t with me:( any help would be great! Thank you!

I’m sorry for the delay! I’m still learning to use Reddit (I’m an old lady😂) no! I still have no idea where it came from! It’s not an account I really use for anything else so I assume it’s a class action payment but I can’t find any that I’ve applied for that have been sent out or was that much. Don’t get me wrong I’m grateful for it but it really does drive me crazy when I can’t figure something out😂

If you need help I found a place to find it!Misc Advice

I’ve been struggling for 5 years. But I know it’s not forever! Surely😂 anyway! When I’ve needed help I’ve googled what’s available in my area and 9 times out of 10 it’s a scam site or it gets me nowhere and I give up. I went to and let me tell you there’s something there for everyone! If you’re a veteran, you have cancer or other medical issues, or just struggling, I found all kinds of help. I was able to get glasses after breaking mine a year ago. And believe me I was a hazard to myself and everyone else on the road😂 I just thought I’d share because I’ve always become so discouraged when looking for help but this site is legitimate and will put you in touch with people who can help you. And remember it’s not going to always be this way. Sometimes we just need a little help to get us where we’re going.

And as a side note for those who ever feel guilty about needing help-my dad passed away about 15 years ago at the age of 57. He paid into the government for 40+ years and died before he ever received any kind of benefits. He went blind from his chemo about 5 months before he died and since they have a 6 month window before they pay disability he never got any. Plus he never made it to retirement age to collect his SS. He told me something that really stuck with me right after he found out his cancer had returned and he knew he probably wasn’t going to survive this time. When I was pregnant with my first born daughter I wasn’t expecting it, at all. I was in my 30’s and was told I couldn’t get pregnant, so I had no maternity coverage (this was before it was included in all plans) I didn’t think I needed any! I had no idea what to do and for sure didn’t have the money to pay for it. He told me not to feel bad about asking the govornment for help is because the reason he paid into the system all those years is for people like me (and you!) who need it! It’s already been paid for by every member of all of our families who died before they could get SS. I got Medicaid and WIC. It was amazing. Now that I’m typing this out it sounds a little weird but just know that there’s no shame in asking for help!

Better times are coming for all of us❤️

That makes me so happy!!! I’ve been where you are so many times. I’m a single mom who gets no child support (yet! I’m hoping it starts soon because finally the courts are doing something!). You should go to Search by your zip code. There’s literally anything you can think of! I was able to get glasses for myself after mine broke. I was a hazard to myself and everyone around me😂 there’s a lot out there if you know where to look! But I’m thrilled for you about your electric bill❤️

Agreed about Texas. I called and they pretty much said there’s no money for your county but good luck! Lol

This floored me when I read it! On top of the open carry laws with no training and the repeal of protections for workers out in the heat I swear it feels like they’re trying to take us all out in one way or another! I’ve lived in Texas my whole 48 years of life. The last 8 years or so has been a shitshow. We need Ann Richards back lol

Hi! I know it’s been a while since you posted this but I have a question if you don’t mind. I just went to their site to apply last month and it says they’re no longer taking applications. It looks like you applied in October. Do you know if they open it up again later in the year?

I would call your OBGYN back and let them know you need to be seen sooner. Explain to them you feel your PPD is worsening and you need to get in asap. You need meds for that. My sister in law had it terribly, meds are what saved her. I can feel how you’re feeling through your post and I’ve been there. That hyper emotional state that you just can’t get rid of. I remember there not being anything anyone said to me that helped. I just had to pay attention to how I was feeling and during those fleeting moments I felt some relief I tried to remember what happened that made me feel better. I hope that makes sense. It’s hard to describe. Maybe look around here on Reddit for PPD communities. I know there’s a lot of woman who have suffered though that and came out the other side ok who would be more than willing to talk you through this. I would also seek out a social worker in your area. They can help you find housing, mental health support and anything else you need. I promise you there is light at the end of the tunnel even if it doesn’t feel like it right now.

I think every state has utility help services. They’ll help for several months so it’s worth checking out. Plus if you get your application going you can let the utility provider know and they should stop the disconnect.

I absolutely love this!! Good for you!! That gratitude will get you so many more blessings❤️

We had a $1.25 wash here but it was super sketchy. I loved it though lol. They finally closed it down and now all were left with is one that the cheapest option is $3.75 and you can barely get ten items stuffed in the machine! They go up to over $8 for a machine big enough to do an actual load of laundry. It’s robbery really. Especially in areas where there aren’t any other options. I finally started hand washing a couple of weeks and saved up for a used washer on marketplace. Then a few weeks later I found a dryer. Combined they cost less than a week using the laundromat. They’re not new or in great shape but they’re been going for over a year!

I live in a really small town with no real food banks. But some of the churches have little “take what you need/leave what you can” boxes on the outside. It might be worth looking to see if they have anything like that.

I did and they said there’s no funding for my county:( It took my forever just to find a number to call because their website is really hard to navigate. I’m going to call back on Monday and see if I can get someone else to answer the phone. The gentleman I spoke to didn’t seem to happy to take my call😂

Utility assistance in Texas Housing/Shelter/Standard of Living

I am really struggling at the moment. My income has been suddenly cut in half and I’m up a creek until I get more money coming in. I went to the Texas utility help site and they’re no longer accepting applications. I called the number I found for liheap which was a community services thing for my county. Apparently there’s no help (money I guess) left in my county. I live in a poorer rural area so I’m sure they don’t have a ton of funding to begin with. I don’t know what to do. I don’t even necessarily need help for the year, just a few months. If anyone has ever gotten help from these services do they open back up later in the year or is it completely over until next year? Or does anyone know of any other resources that I might have missed? I’m done googling it, for every legit site there’s 100 scams, and that’s so sad! Any info would be amazing!