There are no breaks, only breaking up


Those are accomplishments of his party. He did zero to help it along the way, he cant even drive a car.

What does any of that have to do with Biden? He doesn’t create laws

So basically nothing that middle class American workers care about

Successful for whom? The 1% who live off their stocks. Not for people with jobs

go to the grocery store and buy a family of 4 a weeks worth of groceries.  Then tell me how great Joe Biden is.

Try to buy a house. See how that works out for you. 

The problem is when they are not citizens they are paid below market rate, which lowers the cost of labor. 

Democrats need to run on making all these people tax paying union members with high paying jobs.   Not simply “stay and work in our meat factories”

lol most successful.   This is the gas lighting that needs to stop

Go to the grocery store and tell me he’s been successful 

because you are the person with the problem sitting next to others in public?

livid? like, HOW DARE YOU SIT IN A SEAT!

lol what?

maybe same reason you like sitting there is the reason you want to sit there?

sorry if this is rude. is it because you guys are + size?

sure but not everyone thinks that way.

What stopped you from getting up and moving?

Honestly asking, what did trump do/say that was racist?

i would say both were pretty equal in their lying.

Unless Biden really did have "no troops die" during his time in office

I watched it.

I'm a democrat. But i honestly think that A LOT of democrats are going to stay home and trump is going to win.

While biden won the popular vote by a large amount, Trump only lost in the EC by about 45k votes last election split between 7 states.

people are hurting bad in this economy and when you saw that guy last night on stage being the person in charge of helping us out? no.. just no

Please can we get Gavin to run?