Wait what???? You paid for THIS? At a BBQ for the employees?? How is that possible?

They did make a focus wagon though. I rented it a few years ago on a trip and it was great!

He/She is really unhappy that they have to be rescued. It's so embarrassed you can tell.

She said she doesnt ever want to run for anything. Plus we need faces without baggage from previous admins, otherwise it's Hillary 2.0.


Search the sub before posting. This gets asked multiple times a week. Plenty of advice already available here.

The horizon/ tree line should fade to a lighter color, use a principled volume to add an 'atmosphere' to the scene.

This is gorgeous. That evening light is just perfect.

Well they're not wrong about the elected officials part, but nobody deserves that. Harris County is outnumbered in the state by tons of bumfuck nowhere republican counties, who's population are outnumbered by every blue city in the state. Those little counties are the reason we had those failures because they elect these POS GOP politicians to run our state.

I think that's a testament to how excellent the lighting is for this scene. Be proud!

Bernie??? I love the guy, but that ship sailed a long time ago. We'd be back in our predicament now with an octogenarian in office.

I would love someone like Pete. He's smart as he'll, well spoken, and post importantly, YOUNG!

You can plug this into a displacement map on your tire texture, and enable displacement and bump. Play with the displacement nose settings and maybe a color ramp between the image texture and the principled BSDF to affect the transition between white and black. Add a SubD modifier with high subdivisions to enable the mesh to displace along the surface where the parts are raised.

Edit: looking at this again, it's not high enough resolution for this method, you probably need something like a 4k texture for that.

Despite all the twists and turns, this movie actually gets better every time you watch it. It's some of the most brilliant story telling I've ever seen in a film. Everything is right there under your nose the whole time in plain sight but the first time watching, you're tricked my misdirection. Like the film itself is a magic trick.

I would suggest mirroring the clouds left to right so the light matches.

The character development on this show was just brilliant. Everything about this show was brilliant honestly.

Is that a sky composite? The lighting is coming from the other direction on those clouds.

These guys are easily one of my favorite instagram accounts. Absolutely savage but people are always good sports.