High chance I would have laid on my horn behind this guy, and not stopped until they pulled over, or tried to shoot me.

I'm 5.5k, and every brood I've had on my team I was unimpressed with, and every enemy one got stomped. Been about 5 matches now, and I thought people were playing the hero because of streams, but I'm not impressed.

Same. I opened a credit union account in IL, and I've lived in SC for the last 10 years.

I do believe. It will also counter his W.

I believe I read that there is a very high suicide rate of people struck my lightning.

I'm lucky to have the opposite. My parents have a small savings stored away (nothing crazy), but enough they could do some traveling, and enjoy with.

They keep saying they don't want to spend it, so that I get it...But I keep telling them its their money, and they should enjoy it. I didn't work for it, they did.

That was my exact thought playing MK, "man this is just too much work". Hes fun, but not fun enough for all that.

I'm rocking about $5.50. $25.50 if you include my haircut.

It's almost every game in Immortal anymore. My last game - level 39 account, Snapfire mid, lvl 7 15 mins, enemy mid lvl 12 SF. New dota+ just yesterday, games in a different region.

Game before that, another lvl 40 account on core. Clinkz, 2-7-3 in a 75 kill game at 35 mins (we were winning 4v5). Check dotabuff, loses every game, different regions played again.

Same. I've never stolen from a store in my life, but ill just walk past the 7 person line waiting to show their receipt. If they say anything, I just kindly say "no thanks", and go on with my day.


I always finish with season 11. I usually never watch past S11 on my re-watches. There are some future episodes that are decent, and I pick thru sometimes. But something doesn't feel the same to me past there.

How? I said the same thing as half the comments, just in an unfiltered way. Shes the one in a relationship with him. He didn't rape her. Top rated comment is literally "And most importantly don’t freaking get pregnant by him ever again!!.

That's what I said, just didn't sugar coat it. Shes the one who let the relationship continue, get pregnant, still continue, while knowing what type of person he is.

I think there are a lot of 'bad' people, who are more casual, and don't realize they are bad, or shortcoming. I've barley had any problems in heroics, a few kicks on random afks, or a few irl goblins were kicked for being toxic.

But there are alot of heroics i'll see people with 8.5k GS, and doing 8k DPS. A lot of times ive seen vote-kicks against these people, but ill decline it.

I'm geared enough to carry a heroic now, but there's a lot of clueless people out there who think they are doing nothing wrong, and 'its just a game who cares' mentality. Is it wrong? No, but not everyone plays like that, so it ends in a kick sometimes.

That's what made me love him in Banshee. He became one of my favorite actors from that show alone.

That's why I never read actual books. Even if I'm super interested in it, I still zone out while reading. I do enjoy reading news articles, etc though.


When I played in HS, you kept your own score, and your 'opponents' score. The same for the other 2 guys in your foursome. You would usually confirm with them at the end of the hole, and write both down. Then, at the end of the round, you compare scorecards.

Ask about the changing skin color next.


I was driving home around 12 am, 2-3 years ago. No one was on the road, but its near a lot of fast food places, and condos on the other side.

There was a guy with crutches in the exact middle of the road, with one of the crutches dropped on the ground, and he was "trying" to pick it up. Only he couldn't cuz hes propped up on the other crutch, with a seemingly injured leg.

I really wanted to stop, and get out to hand it to him.. But the weird circumstances, and time of night, I just locked my doors, and drove around him.

Felt bad, but honestly I have no idea to this day if that was legit, or I was going to be robbed.

No lie, my very first time I got pulled over at age 17, the cop pulled along next to me after I pulled over, and cussed me out something like "are you fucking stupid, jesus christ, how fucking stupid can you be, you need to slow the fuck down you stupid fuck, I dont wanna pull you off a tree". I know he dropped the F bomb quite a lot.

It caught me off guard so much, because it was my first time I got pulled over, and I always expected cops to be professional.

This was around 2007, and it just started to freezing rain/snow mix a little, and I was speeding trying to get home for 12 AM curfew. I was doing about 60 in a 40. I was 100% being very stupid, and can appreciate the officer as I got older. He never got out of the car, gave me a ticket, or anything.. Just kind of a scared straight thing.

Knowing the dev team takes most ideas from reddit, I bet this will actually be in the game within 6 months.

RemindMe! 3 months


I live close to G&M, who people say is one of the best in MD. But I don't like crabcakes :(.