In a world still recovering from decades of famine and war and rarely far from the brink of either, the trains are the life blood. All rail lines are owned collectively by the International Rail Company, there are no exceptions, in exchange they are protected, and food comes. Nations, bandits, fools, they have all attempted to disturb the peace of the rails, they no longer do. The few nations with influence in the company use it as a hammer, denying nations access to the global food market, letting sovereigns fall to revolution, and rarely as a carrot. An extra train on a major track, a few extra cars loaded with grain, the great rewards only go to the countries that can produce more then they deliver. Few nations can do that anymore.

:laa: :wshcc: Los Angeles Angels • Washington Nationals

This week in Baseball history

Just really awesome, I don't know what else to say. Incredibly grateful, can't wait to pay it forward next year. Thank you u/Vox_Populae

:laa: :wshcc: Los Angeles Angels • Washington Nationals

Roger Marris is the definition of a Hall of Famer

(hey man I am your secret santa partner, don't worry and thanks for caring enough to keep up to date, I send a pic when I get it, have a wonderful christmas) (edit, I just realized that it might not be partners so oops, merry christmas and check your inbox)

Raksha, Golden Cub

I haven't built it, mana base would be stupid expensive, I've goldfished it and it just ends up being a shrine deck so not really worth it, sucks because shrines are the best way I've found to trigger multiple counters a turn

Raksha, Golden Cub

ME! thanks man really cool decks!

The angels have declined options on Loup and Escobar

Very sorry rough week, tonight or tomorrow was my plan

I was very active, and got in lots of trouble 1. Angels 2. Yankees 3. Nationals 4. Astros 5. Cards

One of my world's creation story is based on the rape of Persephone, so the entire cosmology is a little touchy. I always hated how that story happened. I changed it so the Hades equivalent gets exiled and blinded in the cosmology and Persephone becomes the goddess of death. She rewrites the rules so that those who want to live always have the chance.

Raksha, Golden Cub

All of the shrines that are creatures trigger at least 2 of the 4 experience cards that you can get when you etb, and most trigger three, so I added them as fodder to get the first exp counter, and once I had 6 I figured I might as well.

Experience Counter TribalDeck Help

I am making a dumb deck, experience counter shrine tribal. All 8 experience counter cards, all 17 shrines. If you have any ideas for how to make this deck functional please provide them. this is the list I was able to come up with


They aren't especially egregious, not to speak on behalf of blind people but reddit is much easier to use than other similar sized sites. The suits as of now have not been very successful, and reddit is new. Netflix took 15+ years to be sued over this issue. That being said there may have been a suit and I missed it, but I don't think so.