Send one back. Just find a random dick on Google image search and copy it over

Will only make his supporters love him more. And those who find it “distasteful” will accept for lower taxes. Nothing makes a difference with this asshole

I would love to be wrong

My hair looks like yours when it’s longer (I have a short bob now). Recently started using the Eva NYC mask treatment (avail at Target) and it’s amazing. Hands down the best conditioner I’ve ever used. My waves have never looked so healthy and I’m pushing 50. Highly recommend for softer looking waves.

You might be washing your hair too often. Maybe skip a day and just wet in between. Or really just focus the shampoo on your scalp if you don’t want to skip days. No real need to wash your hairs that often.


I’ve always loved this dress Cate Blanchett wore a while back. Love a good back detail

I love that - he’s lived inside air quotes

He’s a “champion” golfer He’s a “stable genius” He’s a “healthy, human man”

Seriously. Like, you are a grown ass woman internet feuding with a child. Do better

And the backlash resulted in a Christian/soft right pivot, which is just ugh

Putting images/videos of them online before they were old enough to consent

I broke my foot at my brother’s baseball practice jumping off the bleachers and my parents didn’t take me to see anyone until the next day when the school called and told them to (because of the swelling and not being able to walk)

And not an injury per se, but parents shrugged off scoliosis diagnosis in elementary school and I was diagnosed with ADHD and Autism in my 40s, so kinda hobbling through life not really understanding why my body and brain feel broken all the time

If you feel it’s too short, throw some bike shorts underneath and hit the town. But it’s not objectively too short

I often write lengthy comments and then discard them because I can’t deal with the potential RSD and generally feeling misunderstood

Crazy thing is that’s probably like $7 at a bodega

I have as many of them as I’ve had iPhones. But I’m a hoarder

I started using this recently as I’m growing my hair out from a very short pixie and it’s just getting long enough to curl.

This is the best conditioner I have ever used. My hair is so soft, not weighed down at all (I have thin, wavey/curly hair) and my curls are fuller and more defined than they’ve ever been before

It’s frickin magic

Edited to correct typo