Was kinda expecting it to be full scale, but this is still sick

Just found out that you need the Browser Version for editing flr

I've never played the original paradise, but I swear I've heard the correct version of this track so often a long time ago. Is it used somewhere else in Paradise, other than the main menu? Or is it in dominator or something?

Just found out that you need the Browser Version for editing flr

Yeah, I know. I just like joking when somebody doesn't specify.

Just found out that you need the Browser Version for editing flr

In standard paradise? Probably completely dead. Honestly doubt anyone has managed to get private servers working.

Paradise remastered? Honestly not clue cause I'm on console.

It may have been revolutionary gameplay back then, but I only played it last year. And compared to modern games, it feels pretty clunky imo, and the aim assist isn't very refined. Which makes sense for it's age, but it's still only a 3/10 by my modern perspective on the series. A bronze sword was also revolutionary when it was first made, but gets crushed by modern steel swords. It's what happens. The story is amazing tho. And the Insanity DLC for 6 only makes it better.

That's exactly what I'm saying. Having more of a Redstone bugfest doesn't make it better. Be happy they won't patch it and shut up.

iPod Nano (6th Generation)

Right now, yeah.

iPod Nano (6th Generation)

AHHHH! THEY'RE ORANGE NOW?! Unintelligble screaming

iPod Nano (6th Generation)

I didn't expect to see a Furry_IRL post as the top post of r/Dankpods, but here we are.

Honestly, a rock climbing skill in the next game would be sick. Not too related, but got the idea because of you.

It should have some procedural animations tho so you can climb wherever and however you want.

Nah, you should've sent a black Image as the corrected version. Just 0 brightness. Pure #000000.

The 5.7 pistol by H&K. Can't remember the in-game name. Irl, it's kind of a piece of shit, but in video games, it's often very good.

I don't think so, but I also can't find any evidence that quantum computers CAN'T run standard software (after a single Google search). But I don't think it's a good idea to even attempt to run it in parallel with real life. Better keep emulating inside real life.

How does the two currency system work in FC6

It's the standard Currency, Pesos, and Monedas, a currency gained by and used for all of the online content.

And before post game, you have to seriously grind if you wanna buy something with Monedas, especially considering that most of the stuff you can buy with it only stays for an irl week, after which you have to wait for it to reappear. I'm basically only still playing to see if Lola (the person that you do all of the Moneda stuff with) sells the 5.7. but No, I get the James Bond gloves twice before seeing the 5.7 once...

Be sure to crosspost to some turtle and reptile subs, they'll enjoy it.

I rarely take pictures of anything, but I knew the Poppy would look pretty

4 is great, but it mostly feels like more 3 for me. And while 3 is a masterpiece in terms of story, but I didn't enjoy the console gameplay.

Don't get me wrong, the gameplay in 4 is better than in 3. But 2 points better than a 3/10 is still not good.

As I said, I only rank it that low based on console gameplay (mostly gunplay). Which improved with every game. 6 has the greatest feeling gunplay I've ever seen. The recoil feels impactful (except for bows and SMGs, but I don't use those) and smooth (not a punch in the camera like the Third Person camera with a pistol in Ghost Recon Breakpoint. Although the gunplay in that game isn't that good to begin with compared to 6), while also not being distracting (unlike Call of Duty, where I feel like a smoke grenade explodes in my face every time I shoot). The Aim assist also improved drastically. While I can't feel it acting in any of the games (which is the most important part), I do notice my accuracy however. In 3, I can't hit someone point blank for shit. In 6, I have a non zero chance of being able to dome a pilot, first shot, with PMM irons from 1km.

Pick up the towels and bring them to the front desk/lost and found or whatever you can bring "lost" items too.

Me in far cry every time I'm at an over 5m high ledge

Apart from the style being overused, I like it.

Except for the oven. The original feels like it has so much more depth.

The whole thing in general feels like it lost some depth, but the furnace especially.