That is actually what i missed, that he absorbed the shadow. I only ever remember him saying he just became more aware after tanavasts death

I know what you are saying but what do you mean by eating? did i miss something?

When I did online intergrad it took a few weeks to get paid because the hours are paid out by the training center not your hub, or so I was told by my supervisors. Normal payroll rules still apply, let your full time sup know (if your fulltime sup says you have already been moved to package let your new center manager know) if you are not made whole in 48 hours file that grievance.

Neither do I. I worded my post poorly. I just meant that taln is not getting to roshar through the everstorm.

Not keeping him on braize, it just wouldnt let him pass through it. Its odiums storm. Also all the fused were not gone. We know at least I do not think the storms function like perpendicularities allowing "mass" through. Maybe Taln's body is so sprenlike it can turn into pure investiture or something of the like come through and reform but that seems unlikely to me.

Even if a herald didnt break this return would have happened this is probably true. But, Taln being on roshar indicates that a herald was sent to braize and immediately broke. The everstorm would not have allowed Taln off braize.

They need some light I believe but they use up very little with lashings. Pretty sure if all the voidlight leaves their gem hearts they die anyway.

I flee because if you die too soon you get to respawn as a peasant. Dont really know who thought it be fun to force players to be peasants when bots already exist.

What evidence is there that he was suicidal prior to being put in jail?

The buster sword is the starting weapon in the game cloud is in. In universe its also the standard sword given to his special unit. Its really kind of dumb to put it in a "strongest sword" contest.

I cant play both chiv and KCD during the same time frame as each other. I start throwing specials trying to block and i completely forget drag and accel are things.

yeah i just got the game and this seems accurate. IDK what level you unlock the ability to pencil drop and teleport backwards but it must be high cause i only see 1Ks doing it.

Its paprika! Honey, paprika is red. uuhhhh Its green paprika.

Im just kidding around, there are 2 types of power scalers. Those that have never read the manga, and the ones who are prepping their doctoral dissertation.

Plus their entire planet is built on honor. He just jumped into a fight basically unarmed to save a man being overwhelmed by multiple enemies. He was honor at that point, and he thought for one moment that honor would be met with honor.

Nah i just listened to it, I actually really enjoyed it in the audio book. Kals confusion comes through a lot more.

History? what history? we know next to nothing about lirins past other than he has quarreled with lighteyes in the past and wont back down, and his in laws dont like him. I am glad you mentioned religion, the religion in alethkar is so centered on war its their number one calling but for some reason lirin is different than every single person in the country. Lirin makes such little sense with what we already know I half think he was brought over from threnody.

Also the Christianity argument is so damn dumb. It makes a great story I agree, we all love a matyr, but as it turns out it didnt work in the real world. The people who followed christs teachings died and the selfish assholes rose to the top, then started the fucking Crusades.

I am also not saying pacifism is not valid, when your goal is to change the system you are in pacifism can work. Dr Martin Luther King changed the world through peaceful protests. That is different than facing an invading military force. Early lirin was annoying but it was hard to argue with him. Book 4 Lirin is a dumb prick who would allow the best people humans have to offer get carted off and his entire defense is "maybe the enemy wont kills these demi gods that are pretty much the only thing that can stand against us."

In a meta that was the opposite of what made canyon the best. Canyon is amazing on fast clearing jungles because he will farm 3 quadrants if he has any a tiny bit of prio. Peanuts strengths came from his innovative gank paths and timings. I can see why people think peanut is better for geng especially when peanut is having his good games. It turns out, if you have 2 of the best laners in the world for a top and mid, you can kind of do whatever you want in the jungle and canyon is fitting in too well.

I suppose for this sub that makes sense as it is a historical sub, I mean more in the general sense. They have the same strategy in every public forum where politics are discussed.

I was speaking of war from a time with similar technology and social structures to roshar anyone really should be able to tell that, but nice strawman. Lirin is a 1 dimensional character who exists to challenge our hero's thoughts and actions and force him to grow. Lirin is one of the weakest characters sanderson has written, because lirin is not a person, he is an ideal embodied to be used as a writing tool.

So real question how do you combat this strategy of the right, cause i cant figure it out. Seems like not being able to discuss a former president and current presidential candidates on a public forum is a problem for democracy.

So we got them all in one place and called it a powerscaling sub. This article says the average empire last 220 years, or about 10 generations. The general consensus is that the average 250 years but that is from a political commentator and I couldnt find actual evidence to back it up, Next thursday will mark 248 years since July 4th, 1776.

Empires dont last forever.