Same difference. Anything below 60 is irrelevant

Ahhh I guess if they did it could theoretically manipulate the voting.

What time do they normally come in? 10pm after the polls close or a little earlier after they have had enough foot traffic?

We aren't in America, you can apply for free voter ID on the gov website.

That youtuber is either an idiot or is using this to further an agenda.

Slam dunk is amazing! I miss the midlands one.

On to the camping point, camping at Trees is one of the easiest festival camps you'll have, but if you hate camping then it'll still not be for you I guess.

Maybe think about trying it though?


He has a huge break down and directly states that he remembers every single time.

Watch it again.

"That's when I remember, every time, exactly then. Why Clara... Can't I just lose .."

He gets all the memories back.

Because every time he gets to that last room, he gets all his memories back, from each version of him who got there, all 4.8 billion years worth.

Trees is pretty chill and not too crowded.

Thats one hell of a train though just for 1 day, really depends how much you like the music.

I'm going for the whole hog, wed - sun. its always a great time.

Its worth noting a few things for none Who fans.

  1. The doctors memory gets wiped and he only remembers what he needs to do on each loop once hes already stuck in the Diamond Wall room.

  2. He can't use chipped off pieces of wall as before he "respawns" the rooms are all cleaned

  3. Its 4.8 billion years and he gets about 5 to 10 punches per run not 2/3. More punches the deeper into the wall he gets.

Its a good stand alone ep. Worth a watch.

You show me one party we should all vote for then.

There are none that support trans right except greens and lib dems.

The same lib dems I just told you to vote for.

Oh boy is that funny when Keir and Wes are very open about wanting to privatise it.

Also thats just a lie.

I'm not, I'm supporting everything else.

The trans issue is meaningless to me compared to saving the NHS. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

I'm prepared for my flood of downvotes haha

Hyper V > VMware

And its been that way since about 2019.

Also in 99% of circumstances, SSH is worthless. Its only still used at all because device manufacturers are too lazy to write a proper GUI.

Every single one of these articles makes 1 more person think they won't bother to vote.

This is voter supression via proxy and they know it.

The Tories will still lose, but mark my words, it wont be a 60ish seat crushing. They'll end up with over 100, because of shit like this.

Get out and vote, even if you've already won.

Yes and no.

Ignorance of the basics like murder, stealing, smuggling, abuse, road laws etc etc is never taken as a defence. 

But ignorance of more intricate or obscure laws not only has been allowed as a defence, it often succeeds. People who accidentally break tax / fraud laws get off on ignorance all the time.

So? They still broke the law. 

It doesn't matter if someone told you to smuggle some cash because they're starving, you still smuggled cash... Which is illegal.

2 don't actually exist.

2, tao and 20, had a huge roles already.

So Dabura and Cold.

SSJ5 is literally just UI+SSJ4

So if people are right that Broly will be the one to unlock a canon SSJ4, then Goku could theoretically see that and combine them.

Its silly, and VERY unlikely, but its actually possible.


Big oil.

I don't like conspiracy bs but literally that's the answer.

We've had electric cars since the 1890's, solar panels since the 1880's...

We could have been refining that tech for 100 years, but instead it was suppressed by big oil companies / lobbied governments.

Videl is very strong but other than flight her abilities are in the "not superhuman" range

Chi Chi however is a completely different ball game. She was going toe to toe with Kid Goku(who is strong enough to blow up moons) and she beat the ever loving shit out of Yamcha.

Her power level is easily in the low 100's when DB starts.

She then goes on to train Goten and fights him directly without being killed. Normally you'd say "well Goten held back" but she not only forced him into SSJ, she pushed him hard enough to unlock it in the first place.

Shes a wee bit OP when compared to other verses.

It has an annex that provides a rental income of around £20k a year.

Why would you even want to do that? You've already won capitalism, congrats!

Buy your dream house, put the rest into a decent savings account, keep working until you're maybe 45 and you're done. You'll never be beholden to anything or anyone again.

The interest on the 1.5 mil at only a very conservative 5% is 75k/year.