They aren't rounding them up in nets or anything. Every non-Russian citizen has made the active choice to participate in this war.

They have a choice. Everyone who has ever found themselves in a a foreign land has made a choice.

Now they have to deal with the consequences of their choice.

I see so many 5.11 plate carriers in this war that have taken an absolute beating and survived. But these things get shit on by the US "look at my expensive mil-drip" cosplayers.

Natives are stabbed and attacked every day in Western Europe by migrants and their offspring.

Let's not have Poland become like that. Even yesterday, a Ukrainian refugee was almost murdered by a Muslim migrant in Germany. Every... single.... day.

Anyway... you had sex with him before being in a committed relationship. That's literally gold for players like that. Never do that. When a guy tells you he's had lots of hook-ups, you walk away. A guy who has lots of hook-ups isn't going to be a good guy.

Not personal experience. But I know how things work

His height clouded your judgment. You're probably just 1 of many girls to him.

Maybe in 5 years after she has 2 kids by him and has cheated on her 20 times and he hasn't paid a cent in child support.... maybe then he will entertain the idea of commitment. But she will be too old for him by then.

So..  basically the definition of being commitment phobic.

He's an emotionally defective 'player'.

He is probably quite tall or rich for him to string you along like that.

Cut him off and go no contact. Find a more normal guy 

He's gone. The reason he didnt commit to you was because he found a woman he likes better.

If you already had sex with him, then he got what he came for and is now done with you.

Don't fuck guys until you are in a committed relationship, that is how you filter out these players.

Now let's see the ethnic demographics of those regions.

But they were shouting in Arabic so no one understood them.

When a guy opens up, it's very common for the girl to get "the ick" and dump him.

Men must never show emotion, or their girl is at risk of leaving.

If they were moving so fast, how did they catch them?

Thanks! I don't care about your opinion, because it's dumb.

During a fresh install, you get to select which drive to install it to. As long as you know which drive it is, you're good.

Also, you're computer is already "registered" with Microsoft, so there is no need to type in your product code. It will activate the Windows lisence once you connect to the internet after install. So click "I don't have a product key". It will do it automatically.

Also, if you don't want to use a Microsoft account (who the F does?), click "local account".

Nope. I like my family to actually look like my family and not adopted. I look like my relatives going back centuries, I like the connection I have to my ethnic group. I'm white and the reason white people exist today is because white people marry other white people. Funny how lots of non white men want a white woman, but refuse to date someone who is half their own race. Self hating hypocrisy