Winco every couple months for bulk. Super1 for meat, produce, and alcohol. Walmart for everything else. Then back to Super1 for things I forgot at Walmart.

So far the best I’ve been able to manage is tampons and dog poop bags to carry my trash out in.

And physical development.

I don’t personally have perspective on this, but from what I hear from my husband, it’s very hard on boys to be the smallest in their class.

Not ideal, but I’ve seen people do a 1 bedroom and they let their child have the bedroom. Parent sleeps in the living room. If you think about it, it is more important for them to have their own private space so they can sleep in peace while you can have the rest of the apartment to yourself. You’ll also be near the front door in case of emergency and ready to rumble. But it does sound like you will be able to find a 2 bedroom based off of the other comments.


I’m also a SAHM mom to a 4 and 1.5 yr old. It’s still work, but hard agree it’s definitely not the hardest job.

I’m shocked that the actual stay at home mom didn’t lay into her during the conversation.

Seth Numrich makes the experience. I’m not sure how much I would’ve enjoyed fairy tale if I had read it instead of listening.

Was it the one with the babies? It’s been a while since I watched the show, but I remember that episode making me ugly cry.

I’ve been a SAHM mom for 3 years after working in healthcare for 12+ years, being a SAHM is easier. Still work, but absolutely easier. It’s all perspective.

You sit on the toilet, put a straw in your mouth, and blow out of it. Helps you pee. Wildest thing.

Just curious if they had you try the “blowing on a straw” trick? They had me do that with my second birth and I had never heard of it before, but it seems like a miracle solution lol

This is the only thing I have ever paid for a Patreon account for and it’s so worth it. Their content is so good.

Seeking Tanis, runner available.

I’ve had good luck with an air mattress by covering it with a wool blanket and then putting my sleeping bag on top of that

I don’t think I’ve heard from Dripfang in a while (I know there’s the patreon, I’m budgeting right now). Tourmaline was on recently, but I really like Zach Reino.

As far as I’m concerned, Erin and Brooke should be new co-hosts (again, I know the patreon content…I’m broke).

Are there stairs to get down to the river? If so, I watched a raccoon break a beer bottle here.

My dog was guilty of this, heaping steaming pile of sloppy poop. Real downer at the beginning of a hike. The solution to this: double bag, then inside a plastic grocery bag, then inside his doggy backpack.


I’m a SAHM to a 3.5yr old and a 1yr old. I do all the cooking, cleaning, shopping, paperwork, etc. The only thing I expect my husband to do when he’s off work is be a parent. This works out great for us, our weekends are always free for fun because I can handle all the chores by myself. We’re in an apartment now, but if we were in a house I would consider getting some daycare certs and taking on a couple kids during the week for extra money. Currently I go to the foodbank once a week or every other week and donate plasma to make ends meet. It’s not perfect, but it works, and it works because we are both making sacrifices and doing everything we can to support each other. Doesn’t sound like your wife was willing to do her part to ensure your family stayed happy and together.

Food banks and selling plasma have been a game changer for my family. My husband was the one who was weird about it, but once he saw the difference it was making from me doing it he got on board. We’re able to have food AND pay all the bills (student loans included).

For anyone close to the Idaho border, there’s a charity called “Newby-ginnings” nearly at the state line that gives freely to veterans and their families.

It was a YA romance disguised as a kids movie. It has no rewatchability, my kid will never ask for it and I liked it enough once but don’t care to watch it again. I feel like they keep opting for adult themes but in a babyish setting, who is the audience?

I might look up the music though!

I watched it with my nearly 4 year old. He got bored fast while I was emotionally invested and crying.

Saline circa 1998. I got my first Harry Potter book there in the fall. We also used to go to this shop that had multiple shop cats…can’t remember the name of it, I think they sold toys and puzzles.