Saxony (Germany)

Well I don't see why I need to make the effort to give you a proper reply, when you don't even manage to make a relevant reply.

I never talked about the grey wolves being a terrorist organisation, but instead called them a racist one.

Nazis existing in Germany is relevant how, given that racist motives will give you a more severe sentence? I don't know - probably made sense in your head.

So going back to the original topic: it's not racist to punish people that use symbols of racist organisations. Literally everything you've said is just trying to deflect from that point, because you can't actually come forward with any arguments against it.

Why are you acting like a snowflake instead of actually owning your country's faults?

Saxony (Germany)

The difference is: the grey wolves are still a thing and are still using that sign. Stop acting as if you don't know the difference.

Saxony (Germany)

It's an eagle, yes. I guess all Hindus are Nazis following that logic?

And you think any top league sports person lives a life comparable to an average person?

Well yes...it's essentially a battery. You pump water up when you have excess electricity production and then use it to create energy when you don't. Is this a new concept for you?

Oh he loves mood swings...

Saxony (Germany)

I don't see how that's related, enlighten me. You do know that's a different one to the Reichsadler, right?

Not possible for the physical cards - but you can return them when you leave to get the money back (not possible with the welcome suica afaik). In any case you can get yourself some drink from a vending machine or something to spend the remaining charge.

Saxony (Germany)

Can't support your local racists - so racist :(

Saxony (Germany)

I'd recommend watching less movies and come back to the real world - undercover cops aren't superhumans.

Saxony (Germany)

About as much as it takes for the other person to stop threatening me. I'd wager that usually happens earlier than 11 stabs.


Solange keine datenschutzrelevanten Daten benutzt werden, absolut erlaubt. Es gibt Planungen einige Vorgänge zu automatisieren - da reden wir aber eher von Jahren. Soweit ich weiß waren die aktuellen Angebote nicht zufriedenstellend.

Ich rede hier von einer Ausländerbehörde in einer größeren Stadt.

I get the feeling that the target audience for idol groups and "divas" doesn't really overlap, but ok.

Saxony (Germany)

Nobody is stopping you from voting in politicians that align more closely with what you want.

Saxony (Germany)

One is supposedly a close ally, the other one isn't. I know that's a hard concept to grasp for some.

This is starting to feel like a conversation with a 5 year old...enjoy whatever you're doing

So I'd say you better sit this one out, considering you're personally an expert in killing innocent people.

Again: your fake tolerance is showing. Germans deserve hate, people that actually attack someone should be pampered.

Btw I'm rather sure my grandpa didn't commit any genocide in the 60s - but I understand that was about the time you guys killed about a million Vietnamese?

Is that your tolerance showing? I guess it only goes out for people that want to kill you, right?

They're not in a fight for survival at all - and certainly not Hamas. You're showing a pretty low understanding of the whole situation, but I didn't expect anything else.

The US is funding and supporting the only somewhat reliable ally in the middle east and a base of operations for you guys - but whatever.

LGBTQ people protesting for non-moderate Muslims is very much comparable, yes. I like how you switched from LGBTQ people to leftists in general - but that doesn't surprise me much, since you don't seem to be interested in an honest debate.

Actually even leftists are a target for Islamists - but hey, at least you can feel all fuzzy and warm inside for supporting the supposed suppressed minority of the month.

Are you also protesting against Hamas Terror or the genocide in Sudan, since you seem to be so interested in protecting innocent lives?

Nothing wrong with being anti-genocide. But a) the US is not bombing Palestinians and b) again: supporting people that wouldn't think a second if you should be killed or not doesn't make much sense. That's like a Jewish protest supporting nazi Germany, a black protest to support apartheid, Ukrainians protesting for russian occupation, etc.