Cunningham will lie for you before he lies to you.

I had it as a SD for Ford or a draw. Ball looked great in the first 5 rounds, but Ford started landed cleaner shots and looked better countering. They definitely need to run it back.

I thought Ford squeaked out the win, but he got his engine going way too late.

This had to be written by Silky Johnson or Buck Nasty. Damn, this was a petty ass list.

"As you are now understanding, medicine is hard." - Pathology lecturer

Haitian Creole and the other Creoles your referenced are closer to one another than they are to French.

I honestly could've gone through life without having read this comment. The idea of quitting scares me.


Zhang is such a a gentleman and the old Wilder unfortunately isn't back. His confidence is gone. Him saying he could be knocked out says it all.

Legit. Liner and the leather creases on the lateral side of the knuckle surface say everything to be honest.

Leather looks completely off.

Her eyes in that second photo are absolutely adorable.

The other boxer had that "ohhh, you're in trouble" look 🤣🤣🤣

It was Old Man Marty Booker for me.

Coming from South Florida, this is true. It wasn't uncommon for a 40 minute drive to take 3hrs.

This is true. I was watching a sparring session between a couple bare knuckle boxers (who came from traditional boxing) with a couple decent level boxers (NABO champs and such), and the way they were shitting on the bare knuckle fighting was basically the "why do you act like you're better than me?" meme from Family Guy.

The irony is that bare knuckle fights are safer simply because hitting someone in the head with a bare fist hurts. There's a reason why boxers tend to slap folks outside the ring (still effective). The professional sized gloves don't really make the sport safer except for limiting cuts and hand breaks. Bare knuckle fights are ugly because there's a lot more grappling and cuts involved.

Warning: May not be an INTP

I love food, particularly sweets. Kinda wish I could get tired of food so I could make weight.

It is. The top loops are grainy just like mine.

Tell me how this whole thing got precipitated? Did you know that Moïse, the president who was assassinated was ruling by decree and was slow walking elections? Did you know that there were protests before he got assassinated over the missing oil funds from the Venezuelan oil deal and his family scamming the government by charging exorbitant amounts of money for a few goats? Do you know why he had a dossier and was going to expose his former benefactor and president, Michel Martelly to become his own man, and that ultimately got him assassinated? Do you know that there are variety of gangs controlled by various political players in Haiti, and Moïse's death basically created the power vacuum that led to the situation today?

You telling me about my family's country is like me telling you about Kenya. I wouldn't have the gall to even comment about a place I know very little about, let alone tell someone who has family LITERALLY in the country and telling them what they are seeing with their own eyes that they are wrong. And those statements are coming from people who definitely do not have friendly feelings towards the US. Then again, the Internet sure has made people brave.

Read again. What the US doing is in complete self-interest. The US has made it clear that they don't want to get involved, stating they don't want to send troops, even after Ariel Henri was begging for them to get involved.

Again, a politically generated humanitarian crisis makes the US look bad. If a bunch of Haitians start fleeing, some will go to Cuba, Brazil, and the Bahamas, but majority will attempt to come to the US. That is not palatable because the current administration is trying to stiffen things up at the border, but they will be hard pressed to not allow people escaping a humanitarian crisis in.

You're talking about theory. I'm talking about what is actually going on and what I'm being told by my family on the ground in Haiti.

You don't know Haiti. The majority of the violence is localized to Port-au-Prince, but has been starting to spill out into other areas. The US really doesn't want anything to do with Haiti; that's why they didn't want to get involved after the earthquake and why they've been trying to pass the baton to Canada. The issue is that for decades, the US has allowed white Cubans and now Venezuelans to come over with no issues while Haitians have had limited access or have been deported. If the violence spills out into other areas like Cap-Haitien, you end up with the fullblown humanitarian crisis with a black face that the US really doesn't want to deal with, especially with the anti-immigrant sentiment that currently exists (especially with the current administration during an election year). That's why the US is intent on trying to "help" Haiti. But this also doesn't mean that BBQ is some sort of freedom fighter. He's an opportunist using populist rhetoric that works with Haitians but never gets followed up on.

Warning: May not be an INTP

Exactly. I like knowing things, but I hate being wrong.