:13: Vault 13

I know that's not the same, but Fallout: London is coming to GOG this year, ain't it?

Still, with a base value of 3, we get:

5 non-crit MW: 25% increase
1 crit MW: 25% increase
GA: another 50% increase
That's 3 x (1 + 0.25 + 0.25 + 0.5) = 3x2 = 6

Math doesn't work out on that piece.

If there are no other uber uniques for your build, I'd say go for it. Sparks will just sit on your eternal char eventually. If you could fit in a Tyrael's or a Starless Skies with significant benefits, rather build that first?

Most builds should work without Ubers, though... so that's really just icing on the cake.

Also, GA when crafting Ubers are not as likely as Reddit would make you believe. Classic case of survivorship bias.

I don't really get what you're asking...

  1. You level glyphs, not the sockets.
  2. There are no items that give +1 (or any bonus, really) to your glyph levels.

Can't help you with TDuriel, but just know that getting your runes to 21 and masterworking to 12 will go a looong way in character power. Don't underestimate the grind. It's usually worth it.

My condolences!

Had lots of Butcher sightings on my HC char so far (pro tip if you're looking for him: fully clear every dungeon you find a loot goblin in).

But then again I'm playing on ez mode with a Bash Barb. Jump, Shout, backhanded slap and he's down.

Just go the other way round: The mother is an absolute helicopter parent (sometimes almost literally).

A few kobolds trying to rob the party at night? Mommy got it - they're dealt with before the party even knows they're coming.

Vendor overcharging her child because he's obviously not very good at bartering? "You better think twice before fleecing my son / daughter."

And of course, eventually, the "Don't talk to me or my son / daughter ever again!" to someone who like... just insults her kid by looking at them wrong.

It'll all build up to an epic "But MOOOOOM!" moment where the player feels its in their best interest to not get mom involved. Like at all.

As a hardcore player, I would love an offline mode.

No more lags due to connection / server issues.
No more graphical lags because of other player's fance store bought graphics. (Yeah, I play on a potato.)

lol, all these calculations aside, I'm probably gonna do it as well.

:13: Vault 13

I must be a ghoul then, because I'd absolutely thrive on this kinda rad.

:13: Vault 13

Your boyfriend will likely not like it that much, possibly even break up with you as a consequence. Send me a DM and I'll help you get rid of that... selflessly store it in my living room so it can't do any more harm. /s

Honestly, that's totally rad.

Bash barb seems like a reasonable choice for HC, too. Just make some space in your build for more defensive choices like Iron Skin or triple shout as well as focusing on more defensive affixes.

That being said if you can't handle your char getting killed and being deleted, maybe work on that attitude a bit before getting your feet wet in HC. It is not an eventuality, it is something that will happen eventually.

Better get used to the thought early on than to let frustration get the better of you.

"Greetings, unit X101101! Please assist with a blood transfusion from your OTV (Organic Transport Vehicle) to mine as it ruptured an aneurysm over night and bled out internally. I just need some help to get it to the clinic. Hope they can patch it up for another two months. I really can't afford the nutrient solution to grow a new one."

That's how I would do it. I mean you can rush a SC char to 100 with skipping campaign and completing your seasonal progression on your HC char. And pushing content you've never done before that's anywhere between 50-100 levels above you is just nothing I'd do unprepared on my hardcore character.

There are several instances where you might die to one-hit damage in the very late game.

Think lvl 100 with almost fully optimized gear, giving Echo of Lilith your first tries. You'll want an option to learn that fight without losing your character each time you try.

That content absolutely is doable in hardcore - I should know, I've heard of others doing it - but you likely won't arrive there instantly.

If you're looking into a build where each element is doing roughly equal damage, you're somewhat out of luck with the current meta builds. You could try to go full conjuration with the aspect that gives +skills to conjuration (Battle Caster's Aspect) on a lucky hit. I'd suggest playing it as a variant of the Frozen Orb build with focus on conjurations instead of FO. Would probably still feel very icy.

:13: Vault 13

For everyone wondering, it's a build from a few years ago:

Working LEGO Fallout vault MOC : r/lego ( 

I'd absolutely buy it, if there was ever a set released. Won't happen, though.

Lego does have lots of sets targeted at adults, but they still see (and present) themselves as a children's toy manufacturer. Fallout is just way too dark, gritty, violent, drug-infused, ...

Pretty much my thoughts as I processed thread title, image and rest of thread title piece by piece.

+1 for Enchanted Shrines!

They're easily the best way to level your spells. Once your spellbook is full (i.e. you've learned all spells), farm these. Just make a new game and run Cathedral and Catacombs. Spell levels are so powerful in D1, no reason not to max them that way.

Plus these areas are the best spot to farm books as well.

Except for the odd actually helpful utility aspect, there's not much a chest armor will do for you damage wise. But a piece like this will do so much for you in terms of survivability, you can then focus on damage on much more of your other pieces.

Also when pushing Pits, you'd want to delay the point where stuff one-hits you as much as possible.

Hardcore is a completely different beast with much more focus on survivability, too.

Look at it this way: You're half way there with one lucky drop.

You said it dropped from the tree, so it came out of a cache. Everything dropping from caches in your inventory is account bound.

Same for Iron Wolves reputation caches.