They literally can't do any worse than what the tories have. Yes, they're bad, but preferable to the Tories. Its the better of two evils.

That's a very bold use of the word "literally". If you think it can't get worse than we already have it then you haven't been paying attention.

It can get worse. And it's probably going to.

I thought we had Labour candidates in 100% of our constituencies.

This sub seems to be full of a lot of deluded Labour supporters who have no idea what the party actually is.

Labour winning this election is nothing to be happy about.

So five of them did you in and you wiped the blood from your face and making out like you attacked them?

The Big Lebowski was the most unexpected sequel ever, and I think it exceeds its counterpart Big. Unfortunately Tom Hanks was unavailable to reprise the role.

Tories pretend to care as well. Exactly the same thing.

Yeah but he clearly doesn't already know the story so it would be news to him.

Poorly impersonates drunken mannerisms whilst calling movies woke.

You should really enjoy the story as it comes rather than asking on here. You're gonna get spoilers!

Ah. I see you're either a troll or a child. Goodbye.

We don't have one of those at the moment. Give it 20-30 years maybe and reassess then.


That's the second time you've answered a question with a question on this thread.

Asking why Scotland (a presently and historically left-leaning nation) should join a European Union which is becoming increasingly managed by parties who have direct lineages with the NSDAP and PNF (The original Nazis and Fascists) is a perfectly legitimate question. If we were to feed the EU parliament in the same way that France, Germany, and The Netherlands is doing, we would be sending members of our National Front and BNP, which I think we would all agree is quite different to the Tories, Labour, and even Reform.

Secondly, Europe is shifting significantly further to the right than the UK. To say that Europe appears as though it may be sliding back into fascism would not be an understatement, but it would be an overstatement to say the same of the UK (at present).

Thirdly, Buddie_15775 didn't say anything about their views on the UK in their post. Your reply comes off as an angry attempt at a smart-Alec retort to an argument that was never made.

European Union membership should be questioned in an independent Scotland. It makes very little to sense to leave an increasingly right-wing UK only to join an increasingly-borderline-fascist European Union. If the EU descends into far-right politics further than it has already, things with the union may change and they may start making fascist policies which would later affect us here in Scotland.

If you want to discuss politics in any way you should probably develop better retorts than something that sounds straight out of the mouth of a 14 year old schoolchild. Unless you of course you are a 14 year old schoolchild.

He is. This IS the repost thread. It was posted 5 hours ago. Yours is from 40mins ago.

The UK won't rejoin the EU in his lifetime though, whether he has anything to do with it or not. And probably not in your lifetime either.

The UK would now be expected to accept the same terms of any prospective nation: One of those most major terms being adoption of the Euro.

The UK is not going to accept the Euro. An independent Scotland might.

She's either the same size in both or possibly slightly bigger in the right. Black is a slimming colour. Her face and neck weight look heavier in the second.

And btw, for her age, that weight isn't exactly unsurprising, she still looks good. Would be different if she was that size and 30 years younger. Most women can only dream of looking as good as she does at 60.

Starmer IS an establishment Tory. You shouldn't be getting downvoted.