I was always on the opinion that pro palyers should have bigger pool and pro game sshould have bigger variety of chamions.

First and foremost view is generating the money and makes sure esport can exists which helps lol to remain one of the most played game sin the world.

Regardless of what some part of the community thinks bigger variety in pool is essential to keep this game alive and fresh.

People like you make me believe that we are failing as a society because people are unable to interpret basic, semi-complex and/or complex text and content....In this very case you talk about AP picks when my whole post about why AD roster is so garbage.

mid assassins are never meta and never will be, unless they built like Yone and with good reason.

My point is not on assassins as AD champion on mid are not strictly assassins but rather why the AD roster seems so flawed.

Sure Grandpa. Let's get you to bed.

On serious note game evolved a lot since those days. Champion's kit and consistency is just way beyond the "old times". Sadly meta like this makes me think how on earth tehy can't make some things function properly.

Wonder what would have been if 5D's follows it's original script.

Imagine Aki's Black Rose Dragon face off VS Loki and the Meklords.

Mid lane AD champions are in need for a new design approach?

It's funny that mid lane AD picks are in such a poor state that only ADC champions are considered the only viability for high-level gameplay and esports.

  • Tristana and Corki dominating mid lane as the dominant AD picks for pro play (tristana also has high pr in soloq)

I'm obviously not against the fact that ADC champions are viable on mid lane under specific circumstances (like Tristana used to be a good counter to Azir, but now she rules the entire meta which is a bit off for me) but it's deffinitely feels strange that mid lanes dedicated picks have no such presence by themselves.

  • Champions like Akshan, Naafiri, Qiyana, Talon, Zed should not become meta either because they would be spammed in off roles (S11 Talon Qiyana jungle games) or because in general their value to teams are just too low
  • On the other hand Irelia, Pantheon and Yasuo are viable mid laners and they should have better options when the meta supposed to favor AD midlaners.
  • Champions like Yone and Jayce are played tho.

All I try to say is that I would love the idea to have better AD midlaners that are dedicacted mid laners. I was so hyped when they announced the works for an ADC midlaner....Too bad it ended up to be Akshan who is a pretty underwhelming champion to play.

Despite being a strong soloq pick since release he is just feels strange to play for me at least.

Champion Pool/Pick Megathread! General Question

We created this megathread for posts related to the continued/increased number of champion pools. (I deleted the previous one(s), to make sure new comments are visible).

From now on, you have to comment on this post if you have any questions releated to champion picks/pool in any form and the community wil answer it to it's best knowledge.

I will also be deleting any posts that pertain to a champ pool.


tell the that to previous run in contrast to the current one.

I chuckled on this :D

But that means we are still in 2021 :O

I did lmao. My bad.

Maybe early passes were indeed better but that was nearly a decade ago. So in that term this one feels like an extremely fresh air.

Is this the best event pass we had so far?

I have only bought 3-4 passes since the system exists mostly because I found the whole concept unineresting but I supported the thematics I liked Spirit Blossom, Dragonmancer or Highnoon so I could get the rewards I was interested in.

But in the grand scheme of things these passes were always weak compared to what other game passes offered and tbh there value is really low by default.

Not the Faker pass tho.

This is how I imagined how a pass should look like, or close to.

I mean we got:

  • New LB skin
  • 3 T1 Esport skins
  • 8 icons
  • 3 xp boost
  • 5k BE
  • 125 ME
  • 2 Eternals
  • 2 Champ shards
  • 17? key fragments
  • 3 chests
  • 5 MW chests
  • 6 orbs
  • 7 Emotes
  • 2 borders
  • 2 ward skins
  • 1 Title
  • 1 Chroma

Regardless of what is the opinion on the Ahri skin we all have to admit that this pass is great and I hope we will have more in the future

IMO one of the problem is that ppl like to buy skins if tehy appealing regardless fo them playing that champion or not.

I have like 10-15 champs that I play basedon their stte in meta, as i keep rotating them. But the others 160+? I dont give a shit about them and their cosmetics.

You are right. I will think about it thank you :)

I think you are coorect. I mean if I can't smoothly Q Q Q into a bot game or land E vs bots then I should not hope to get into her in ranked. - At least until I can make smooth Q's.

I'm looking for having fun. I'm already burning in hell mentally from grinding so what could go wrong :D


I would like to ask you all to rate my current pool, Was D2-3 in last split.

  1. Mains: Asol-Syndra
  2. Secondary: Azir, Hwei, Seraphine

I have some info to add to these picks.

  • I think at my current level I can blind Asol and Syndra into anything and if I loose I can review my VoD. Win-Win. I'm just getting bored with them a bit.
  • I'm not sure on Azir. Truth to be told I really enjoy his gameplay, itemisation is really flexible for my style of play and scaling is amazing but feels like Aurelion Sol is just an easier version of him (aside of laning phase, which is based on matchup is much more manageable for me as Azir). I just love dragons - but when Asol is banned I usually consider Azir
  • Seraphine is a huge surprise for me as I took her into a normal game with friends, for fun, and I haven't realised that she has so much damage potential (I played her in previous years but when Phreak started reworking I dropped her). So right now she is back in my pool and I really enjoy playing for the team with her.
  • Hwei is extremely fun but I have yet to find success on him. I simply cannot secure kill on lane or be useful in fights the way I want to and honestly I stuck with him. Difficulty is not an issue, at least not on the way I tought it will be.
  • I started to consider picking up Yone to due to I really love the champion's thematics and style I'm just nervous as I'm a mage player as you can see :D

I think it's pointless to pick a champ for a specific item. I get where the idea is coming from because mobility is huge stat but the item is terrible at the moment.

Nope. I'm too straight for that sorry.

Do you think it's the sign of age when I start to prefer the writer over the title ?

That is actually true and yet I get surprised every tim I realise it