A friend of mine when I was a kid had a walk-in closet with a TV, a PS2, and a little mini sofa. It was the best video game setup I've ever played on.

I love stupid scientific names like this. There's also a protein called Pikachurin and an enzyme called Sonic Hedgehog.

:Todo_Think:Ass clapping is an acclamation of the soul

No way this bum is getting a job

I'm fully in favor of pitbulls and I think the statistics around them are misleading in the extreme;

This joke is funny as fuck.

Honestly, while I do still have some problems with the aggressiveness and mobility of bosses, this DLC really taught me to stop playing Elden Ring like Dark Souls and start playing it like Elden Ring. It really is much easier when you make use of all the available mechanics.


L rizz, boomer.

Am I doing it right?

I honestly hated D:OS2's ending slideshow, it was so boring.

I like "choices matter" games because they affect the path I take through the game, I couldn't care less what happens at the end. Boss is dead, there's no more choices to make, get me out of here.

I'm 29. My first was Yellow, my favorite is Emerald. I guess it's kinda accurate?

Morbius > Madame Web > Catwoman

There's also the trans colors in her outfit and they use those colors again heavily in her original universe. The coloring in her universe is probably more related to her outfit, but it's pretty conspicuous either way.

"Don't trust everything you read on the internet."

- Abraham Lincoln

Plastic is stored in the balls

Always gotta account for Debit Cards Georg

I did basically the same, but it was only 1 week and I picked a couple districts for each day.

  • Saturday + Sunday - Travel, get to the hotel, and rest
  • Monday - Ikkebukuro (where my hotel was)
  • Tuesday - Ueno, Asakusa, and Akihabara
  • Wednesday - Minato and Koto
  • Thursday - Shinjuku and Shibuya
  • Friday - Free (I went back to Akihabara and spent some more time around Ikkebukuro)
  • Saturday - Pack and get to the airport

It'll probably be some time before I'm able to afford another trip, but I can't wait to make it back there. It was my first big solo trip and honestly a magical experience. Next time I'm gonna shoot for a longer trip and get a JR pass to explore the rest of the country outside Tokyo.

Edit: The one thing I missed out on was the Studio Ghibli museum in Inokashira Park. The tickets sold out 2 hours after they went on sale (a few months before my trip), so I skipped the park altogether.

Stirring is most of making fried rice. Old rice, frozen veggies, a scrambled egg, and maybe some leftover meat. I would make fried rice every week if it wasn't such an arm workout to keep the rice moving.

People who are constantly on the go and don't leave any room the relax. About 50-70% of the day actively doing stuff is a good number for me.

Ye, although honestly the greatshield is the only part you really need. Blocking is OP in the DLC. I was mainly using the Ancient Meteoric Ore Greatsword with the rapier as a secondary, since I could carry both at medium weight.

You young wizards today with your hoods and unpointed caps. Back in my day you couldn't even buy a crystal without a tall, conical hat.

I'll take #3, though the brim is quite small.

The heat metal tip is clutch. I always go into this fight expecting to handle it no problem, and then I fuck up my positioning and get an important character killed, so the whole thing turns into a clusterfuck of trying to keep everyone alive.

Also, people who don’t want to schedule ANYTHING. I like to leave room for spontaneity, but I also don’t like to lose opportunities to a lack of planning.

I don't like scheduling much, but I'll have a few keystone plans that need reservations or have specific timing needs. My general outline for each day of a trip is:

Day - General area (e.g. spend the day in and around Shinjuku)

  • 0-2 inflexible plans
  • 2-3 Must-dos (no specific time aside from business hours)
  • Several nice-to-dos (options to fill the day as long as I have time and energy)

The smell of gunpowder in the air gets me going too.

I'm a fan of the classics, big colorful sphere of boom.